Commit 6e3eff30 by ichuang

{} -> {0} etc in .format statements

parent 97538e70
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def try_staticfiles_lookup(path):
url = staticfiles_storage.url(path)
except Exception as err:
log.warning("staticfiles_storage couldn't find path {}: {}".format(
log.warning("staticfiles_storage couldn't find path {0}: {1}".format(
path, str(err)))
# Just return the original path; don't kill everything.
url = path
......@@ -187,11 +187,11 @@ class XMLModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
if not os.path.exists(policy_path):
return {}
log.debug("Loading policy from {}".format(policy_path))
log.debug("Loading policy from {0}".format(policy_path))
with open(policy_path) as f:
return json.load(f)
except (IOError, ValueError) as err:
msg = "Error loading course policy from {}".format(policy_path)
msg = "Error loading course policy from {0}".format(policy_path)
log.warning(msg + " " + str(err))
return {}
......@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ class XMLModuleStore(ModuleStoreBase):
url_name = course_data.get('url_name')
if url_name:
policy_path = self.data_dir / course_dir / 'policies' / '{}.json'.format(url_name)
policy_path = self.data_dir / course_dir / 'policies' / '{0}.json'.format(url_name)
policy = self.load_policy(policy_path, tracker)
policy = {}
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class ImportTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def check_for_key(key, node):
"recursive check for presence of key"
print "Checking {}".format(node.location.url())
print "Checking {0}".format(node.location.url())
self.assertTrue(key in node.metadata)
for c in node.get_children():
check_for_key(key, c)
......@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ class XModuleDescriptor(Plugin, HTMLSnippet):
return parse_time(self.metadata[key])
except ValueError as e:
msg = "Descriptor {} loaded with a bad metadata key '{}': '{}'".format(
msg = "Descriptor {0} loaded with a bad metadata key '{1}': '{2}'".format(
self.location.url(), self.metadata[key], e)
return None
......@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ def cleanup(filepath, remove_meta):
'ispublic', 'xqa_key')
print "Cleaning {}".format(filepath)
print "Cleaning {0}".format(filepath)
with open(filepath) as f:
parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_comments=False)
xml = etree.parse(filepath, parser=parser)
print "Error parsing file {}".format(filepath)
print "Error parsing file {0}".format(filepath)
for node in xml.iter(tag=etree.Element):
......@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ def cleanup(filepath, remove_meta):
del attrs['name']
if 'url_name' in attrs and 'slug' in attrs:
print "WARNING: {} has both slug and url_name"
print "WARNING: {0} has both slug and url_name".format(node)
if ('url_name' in attrs and 'filename' in attrs and
len(attrs)==2 and attrs['url_name'] == attrs['filename']):
# This is a pointer tag in disguise. Get rid of the filename.
print 'turning {}.{} into a pointer tag'.format(node.tag, attrs['url_name'])
print 'turning {0}.{1} into a pointer tag'.format(node.tag, attrs['url_name'])
del attrs['filename']
if remove_meta:
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def has_access(user, obj, action):
# Passing an unknown object here is a coding error, so rather than
# returning a default, complain.
raise TypeError("Unknown object type in has_access(): '{}'"
raise TypeError("Unknown object type in has_access(): '{0}'"
......@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ def _dispatch(table, action, user, obj):
return result
raise ValueError("Unknown action for object type '{}': '{}'".format(
raise ValueError("Unknown action for object type '{0}': '{1}'".format(
type(obj), action))
def _course_staff_group_name(location):
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def import_course(course_dir, verbose=True):
course = courses[0]
errors = modulestore.get_item_errors(course.location)
if len(errors) != 0:
sys.stderr.write('ERRORs during import: {}\n'.format('\n'.join(map(str_of_err, errors))))
sys.stderr.write('ERRORs during import: {0}\n'.format('\n'.join(map(str_of_err, errors))))
return course
......@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ def xqueue_callback(request, course_id, userid, id, dispatch):
user, modulestore().get_item(id), depth=0, select_for_update=True)
instance = get_module(user, request, id, student_module_cache)
if instance is None:
log.debug("No module {} for user {}--access denied?".format(id, user))
log.debug("No module {0} for user {1}--access denied?".format(id, user))
raise Http404
instance_module = get_instance_module(user, instance, student_module_cache)
......@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ def modx_dispatch(request, dispatch=None, id=None, course_id=None):
if instance is None:
# Either permissions just changed, or someone is trying to be clever
# and load something they shouldn't have access to.
log.debug("No module {} for user {}--access denied?".format(id, user))
log.debug("No module {0} for user {1}--access denied?".format(id, user))
raise Http404
instance_module = get_instance_module(request.user, instance, student_module_cache)
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class PageLoader(ActivateLoginTestCase):
def try_enroll(self, course):
"""Try to enroll. Return bool success instead of asserting it."""
data = self._enroll(course)
print 'Enrollment in {} result: {}'.format(course.location.url(), data)
print 'Enrollment in {0} result: {1}'.format(course.location.url(), data)
return data['success']
def enroll(self, course):
......@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ class TestViewAuth(PageLoader):
# shouldn't be able to get to the instructor pages
for url in instructor_urls(self.toy) + instructor_urls(self.full):
print 'checking for 404 on {}'.format(url)
print 'checking for 404 on {0}'.format(url)
self.check_for_get_code(404, url)
# Make the instructor staff in the toy course
......@@ -322,11 +322,11 @@ class TestViewAuth(PageLoader):
# Now should be able to get to the toy course, but not the full course
for url in instructor_urls(self.toy):
print 'checking for 200 on {}'.format(url)
print 'checking for 200 on {0}'.format(url)
self.check_for_get_code(200, url)
for url in instructor_urls(self.full):
print 'checking for 404 on {}'.format(url)
print 'checking for 404 on {0}'.format(url)
self.check_for_get_code(404, url)
......@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ class TestViewAuth(PageLoader):
# and now should be able to load both
for url in instructor_urls(self.toy) + instructor_urls(self.full):
print 'checking for 200 on {}'.format(url)
print 'checking for 200 on {0}'.format(url)
self.check_for_get_code(200, url)
......@@ -413,22 +413,22 @@ class TestViewAuth(PageLoader):
def check_non_staff(course):
"""Check that access is right for non-staff in course"""
print '=== Checking non-staff access for {}'.format(
print '=== Checking non-staff access for {0}'.format(
for url in instructor_urls(course) + dark_student_urls(course):
print 'checking for 404 on {}'.format(url)
print 'checking for 404 on {0}'.format(url)
self.check_for_get_code(404, url)
for url in light_student_urls(course):
print 'checking for 200 on {}'.format(url)
print 'checking for 200 on {0}'.format(url)
self.check_for_get_code(200, url)
def check_staff(course):
"""Check that access is right for staff in course"""
print '=== Checking staff access for {}'.format(
print '=== Checking staff access for {0}'.format(
for url in (instructor_urls(course) +
dark_student_urls(course) +
print 'checking for 200 on {}'.format(url)
print 'checking for 200 on {0}'.format(url)
self.check_for_get_code(200, url)
# First, try with an enrolled student
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