Commit 6d52d56b by polesye

Change aria-label attribute to title.

parent a9623064
......@@ -18,19 +18,18 @@ class @Calculator
$calc = $('.calc')
$calcWrapper = $('#calculator_wrapper')
text = gettext('Open Calculator')
isExpanded = false
$('div.calc-main').toggleClass 'open'
if $calc.hasClass('closed')
'aria-label': 'Open Calculator'
'aria-expanded': false
.find('input, a, dt, dd')
.attr 'tabindex', -1
'aria-label': 'Close Calculator'
'aria-expanded': true
text = gettext('Close Calculator')
isExpanded = true
.find('input, a')
.attr 'tabindex', 0
......@@ -39,6 +38,12 @@ class @Calculator
# focus on the text field before it transitions onto the page.
setTimeout (-> $calcWrapper.find('#calculator_input').focus()), 100
'title': text
'aria-expanded': isExpanded
.text text
$calc.toggleClass 'closed'
helpOnFocus: (e) ->
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ ${fragment.foot_html()}
% if course.show_calculator:
<div class="calc-main">
<a aria-label="${_('Open Calculator')}" href="#" role="button" aria-controls="calculator_wrapper" aria-expanded="false" class="calc">${_("Calculator")}</a>
<a title="${_('Open Calculator')}" href="#" role="button" aria-controls="calculator_wrapper" aria-expanded="false" class="calc">${_("Open Calculator")}</a>
<div id="calculator_wrapper">
<form id="calculator">
<div class="input-wrapper">
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