Commit 6cd23875 by Brian Wilson

Remove delete button from instructor dash. (Also remove last-modified

column from task-in-progress table).
parent 8872fbcc
......@@ -259,23 +259,6 @@ def instructor_dashboard(request, course_id):
log.error("Encountered exception from reset: {0}".format(e))
msg += '<font color="red">Failed to create a background task for resetting "{0}": {1}.</font>'.format(problem_url, e.message)
elif "Delete ALL student state for module" in action:
problem_urlname = request.POST.get('problem_for_all_students', '')
problem_url = get_module_url(problem_urlname)
course_task_log_entry = task_queue.submit_delete_problem_state_for_all_students(request, course_id, problem_url)
if course_task_log_entry is None:
msg += '<font color="red">Failed to create a background task for deleting "{0}".</font>'.format(problem_url)
track_msg = 'delete state for problem {problem} for all students in {course}'.format(problem=problem_url, course=course_id)
track.views.server_track(request, track_msg, {}, page='idashboard')
except ItemNotFoundError as e:
log.error('Failure to delete state: unknown problem "{0}"'.format(e))
msg += '<font color="red">Failed to create a background task for deleting state for "{0}": problem not found.</font>'.format(problem_url)
except Exception as e:
log.error("Encountered exception from delete state: {0}".format(e))
msg += '<font color="red">Failed to create a background task for deleting state for "{0}": {1}.</font>'.format(problem_url, e.message)
elif "Reset student's attempts" in action or "Delete student state for module" in action \
or "Regrade student's problem submission" in action:
# get the form data
......@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ function goto( mode)
<p>These actions run in the background, and status for active tasks will appear in a table below.
To see status for all tasks submitted for this course, click on this button:
To see status for all tasks submitted for this problem, click on this button:
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Show Background Task History">
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