Commit 6ccfa2e3 by Felix Sun

Made tests of the crowdsource hinter module more standardized and easier to…

Made tests of the crowdsource hinter module more standardized and easier to read.  Fixed database non-initialization bug in crowdsource hinter module.
parent b64fe5c5
......@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterFields(object):
user_voted = Boolean(help='Specifies if the user has voted on this problem or not.',
scope=Scope.user_state, default=False)
moderate = String(help='''If 'True', then all hints must be approved by staff before
moderate = String(help='''If True, then all hints must be approved by staff before
becoming visible.
This field is automatically populated from the xml metadata.''', scope=Scope.settings,
This field is automatically populated from the xml metadata.''', scope=Scope.content,
mod_queue = Dict(help='''Contains hints that have not been approved by the staff yet. Structured
......@@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterModule(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XModule):
# Reset the user vote, for debugging only! Remove for prod.
self.user_voted = False
# You are invited to guess what the lines below do :)
if self.hints == {}:
self.hints = {}
for child in self.get_display_items():
out = child.get_html()
# The event listener uses the ajax url to find the child.
......@@ -123,11 +127,7 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterModule(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XModule):
print self.hints
answer = self.ans_to_text(get)
# Look for a hint to give.
<<<<<<< HEAD
if answer not in self.hints:
if (answer not in self.hints) or (len(self.hints[answer]) == 0):
>>>>>>> Began work on instructor view to hinting system.
# No hints to give. Return.
self.previous_answers += [(answer, (None, None, None))]
return json.dumps({'contents': ' '})
......@@ -138,14 +138,6 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterModule(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XModule):
if len(self.hints[answer]) == 1:
rand_hint_1 = ''
rand_hint_2 = ''
<<<<<<< HEAD
self.previous_answers += [(answer, (0, None, None))]
elif len(self.hints[answer]) == 2:
best_hint = self.hints[answer][0][0]
rand_hint_1 = self.hints[answer][1][0]
rand_hint_2 = ''
self.previous_answers += [(answer, (0, 1, None))]
self.previous_answers += [[answer, [best_hint_index, None, None]]]
elif n_hints == 2:
best_hint = self.hints[answer].values()[0][0]
......@@ -154,7 +146,6 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterModule(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XModule):
hint_index_1 = self.hints[answer].keys()[1]
rand_hint_2 = ''
self.previous_answers += [[answer, [best_hint_index, hint_index_1, None]]]
>>>>>>> Began work on instructor view to hinting system.
hint_index_1, hint_index_2 = random.sample(xrange(len(self.hints[answer])), 2)
rand_hint_1 = self.hints[answer][hint_index_1][0]
......@@ -188,10 +179,6 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterModule(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XModule):
# Add each hint to the html string, with a vote button.
for hint_id in hints_offered:
if hint_id != None:
<<<<<<< HEAD
out += '<br /><input class="vote" data-answer="'+str(i)+'" data-hintno="'+str(j)+\
'" type="button" value="Vote"> ' + self.hints[answer][hint_id][0]
hint_id = str(hint_id)
out += '<br /><input class="vote" data-answer="'+str(i)+'" data-hintno="'+hint_id+\
......@@ -199,7 +186,6 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterModule(CrowdsourceHinterFields, XModule):
except KeyError:
# Sometimes, the hint that a user saw will have been deleted by the instructor.
>>>>>>> Began work on instructor view to hinting system.
# Or, let the student create his own hint
......@@ -261,11 +247,15 @@ What would you say to help someone who got this wrong answer?
# Add the new hint to self.hints. (Awkward because a direct write
# is necessary.)
<<<<<<< HEAD
<<<<<<< HEAD
temp_dict = self.hints
temp_dict[answer].append([hint, 1]) # With one vote (the user himself).
self.hints = temp_dict
if self.moderate:
if self.moderate == 'True':
>>>>>>> Made tests of the crowdsource hinter module more standardized and easier to read. Fixed database non-initialization bug in crowdsource hinter module.
temp_dict = self.mod_queue
temp_dict = self.hints
......@@ -274,7 +264,7 @@ What would you say to help someone who got this wrong answer?
temp_dict[answer] = {self.hint_pk: [hint, 1]}
self.hint_pk += 1
if self.moderate:
if self.moderate == 'True':
self.mod_queue = temp_dict
self.hints = temp_dict
from mock import Mock, patch
import unittest
import copy
import xmodule
from xmodule.crowdsource_hinter import CrowdsourceHinterModule
......@@ -168,19 +169,15 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterTest(unittest.TestCase):
a voting dialog, with the correct choices, plus a hint submission
m = CHModuleFactory.create(hints={
'24.0': {'0': ['a hint', 42],
'1': ['another hint', 35],
'2': ['irrelevent hint', 25.0]}
m = CHModuleFactory.create(
['24.0', [0, 1, None]]],
['24.0', [0, 3, None]]],
json_in = {'problem_name': '42.5'}
json_out = json.loads(m.get_feedback(json_in))['contents']
self.assertTrue('a hint' in json_out)
self.assertTrue('another hint' in json_out)
self.assertTrue('irrelevent hint' not in json_out)
self.assertTrue('Best hint' in json_out)
self.assertTrue('Another hint' in json_out)
self.assertTrue('third hint' not in json_out)
self.assertTrue('textarea' in json_out)
......@@ -189,51 +186,33 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterTest(unittest.TestCase):
A user tries to vote for a hint, but he has already voted!
Should not change any vote tallies.
m = CHModuleFactory.create(hints={
'24.0': {'0': ['a hint', 42],
'1': ['another hint', 35],
'2': ['irrelevent hint', 25.0]}
['24.0', [0, 1, None]]],
m = CHModuleFactory.create(user_voted=True)
json_in = {'answer': 0, 'hint': 1}
old_hints = copy.deepcopy(m.hints)
json_out = json.loads(m.tally_vote(json_in))['contents']
self.assertTrue(m.hints['24.0']['0'][1] == 42)
self.assertTrue(m.hints['24.0']['1'][1] == 35)
self.assertTrue(m.hints['24.0']['2'][1] == 25.0)
self.assertTrue(m.hints == old_hints)
def test_vote_withpermission(self):
A user votes for a hint.
m = CHModuleFactory.create(hints={
'24.0': {'0': ['a hint', 42],
'1': ['another hint', 35],
'2': ['irrelevent hint', 25.0]}
['24.0', [0, 1, None]]],
json_in = {'answer': 0, 'hint': 1}
m = CHModuleFactory.create()
json_in = {'answer': 0, 'hint': 3}
json_out = json.loads(m.tally_vote(json_in))['contents']
self.assertTrue(m.hints['24.0']['0'][1] == 42)
self.assertTrue(m.hints['24.0']['1'][1] == 36)
self.assertTrue(m.hints['24.0']['2'][1] == 25.0)
self.assertTrue(m.hints['24.0']['0'][1] == 40)
self.assertTrue(m.hints['24.0']['3'][1] == 31)
self.assertTrue(m.hints['24.0']['4'][1] == 20)
def test_submithint_nopermission(self):
A user tries to submit a hint, but he has already voted.
m = CHModuleFactory.create(previous_answers=[
['24.0', [None, None, None]]],
json_in = {'answer': 0, 'hint': 'This is a new hint.'}
m = CHModuleFactory.create(user_voted=True)
json_in = {'answer': 1, 'hint': 'This is a new hint.'}
self.assertTrue('24.0' not in m.hints)
self.assertTrue('29.0' not in m.hints)
def test_submithint_withpermission_new(self):
......@@ -241,13 +220,11 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterTest(unittest.TestCase):
A user submits a hint to an answer for which no hints
exist yet.
m = CHModuleFactory.create(previous_answers=[
['24.0', [None, None, None]]],
json_in = {'answer': 0, 'hint': 'This is a new hint.'}
m = CHModuleFactory.create()
json_in = {'answer': 1, 'hint': 'This is a new hint.'}
# Make a hint request.
json_in = {'problem name': '24.0'}
json_in = {'problem name': '29.0'}
json_out = json.loads(m.get_hint(json_in))['contents']
self.assertTrue('This is a new hint.' in json_out)
......@@ -257,30 +234,27 @@ class CrowdsourceHinterTest(unittest.TestCase):
A user submits a hint to an answer that has other hints
m = CHModuleFactory.create(previous_answers=[
['24.0', [0, None, None]]],
hints={'24.0': {'0': ['Existing hint.', 1]}}
m = CHModuleFactory.create(previous_answers = [['25.0', [1, None, None]]])
json_in = {'answer': 0, 'hint': 'This is a new hint.'}
# Make a hint request.
json_in = {'problem name': '24.0'}
json_in = {'problem name': '25.0'}
json_out = json.loads(m.get_hint(json_in))['contents']
self.assertTrue('This is a new hint.' in json_out)
def test_deletehint(self):
def test_submithint_moderate(self):
An admin / instructor deletes a hint.
A user submits a hint, but moderation is on. The hint should
show up in the mod_queue, not the public-facing hints
m = CHModuleFactory.create(hints={
'24.0': {'0': ['Deleted hint', 5],
'1': ['Safe hint', 4]}
m.delete_hint('24.0', '0')
json_in = {'problem name': '24.0'}
json_out = json.loads(m.get_hint(json_in))['contents']
self.assertTrue('Deleted hint' not in json_out)
self.assertTrue('Safe hint' in json_out)
m = CHModuleFactory.create(moderate='True')
json_in = {'answer': 1, 'hint': 'This is a new hint.'}
self.assertTrue('29.0' not in m.hints)
self.assertTrue('29.0' in m.mod_queue)
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