Commit 6bdbbb62 by Vik Paruchuri

Polish up editor, fix issues

parent d4b54cec
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class @OpenEndedMarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor'click', '.cheatsheet-toggle', @toggleCheatsheet)
if @current_editor == @markdown_editor
data: MarkdownEditingDescriptor.markdownToXml(@markdown_editor.getValue())
data: OpenEndedMarkdownEditingDescriptor.markdownToXml(@markdown_editor.getValue())
markdown: @markdown_editor.getValue()
......@@ -169,6 +169,9 @@ class @OpenEndedMarkdownEditingDescriptor extends XModule.Descriptor
groupString += "\n</option>\n";
groupString += "\n</category>\n";
groupString += '</rubric>\n</rubric>\n';
return groupString;
......@@ -847,8 +847,8 @@ class CombinedOpenEndedV1Descriptor():
if len(xml_object.xpath(child)) == 0:
#This is a staff_facing_error
raise ValueError(
"Combined Open Ended definition must include at least one '{0}' tag. Contact the learning sciences group for assistance.".format(
"Combined Open Ended definition must include at least one '{0}' tag. Contact the learning sciences group for assistance. {1}".format(
child, xml_object))
def parse_task(k):
"""Assumes that xml_object has child k"""
......@@ -10,6 +10,34 @@ metadata:
markdown: ""
data: |
<description>Category 1</description>
The response does not incorporate what is needed for a one response.
The response is correct for category 1.
<p>Why is the sky blue?</p>
<openended min_score_to_attempt="1" max_score_to_attempt="2">
<initial_display>Enter essay here.</initial_display>
<answer_display>This is the answer.</answer_display>
<grader_payload>{"grader_settings" : "peer_grading.conf", "problem_id" : "700x/Demo"}</grader_payload>
children: []
Markdown is supported
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