Commit 6bd9cd6c by Calen Pennington

Add management command for syncing with github

parent cec2c893
### One-off script for importing courseware form XML format
### Script for importing courseware form XML format
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
......@@ -16,6 +16,24 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RepoSettings = namedtuple('RepoSettings', 'path branch origin')
def sync_all_with_github():
Sync all defined repositories from github
for repo_name in settings.REPOS:
def sync_with_github(repo_settings):
Sync specified repository from github
repo_settings: A RepoSettings defining which repo to sync
revision, course = import_from_github(repo_settings)
export_to_github(course, "Changes from cms import of revision %s" % revision, "CMS <>")
def setup_repo(repo_settings):
Reset the local github repo specified by repo_settings
### Script for syncing CMS with defined github repos
from import NoArgsCommand
from github_sync import sync_all_with_github
class Command(NoArgsCommand):
help = \
'''Sync the CMS with the defined github repos'''
def handle_noargs(self, **options):
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.conf import settings
from django_future.csrf import csrf_exempt
from . import import_from_github, export_to_github
from . import sync_with_github, load_repo_settings
log = logging.getLogger()
......@@ -40,13 +40,12 @@ def github_post_receive(request):'No repository matching %s found' % repo_name)
return HttpResponse('No Repo Found')
repo = settings.REPOS[repo_name]
repo = load_repo_settings(repo_name)
if repo['branch'] != branch_name:
if repo.branch != branch_name:'Ignoring changes to non-tracked branch %s in repo %s' % (branch_name, repo_name))
return HttpResponse('Ignoring non-tracked branch')
revision, course = import_from_github(repo)
export_to_github(course, repo['path'], "Changes from cms import of revision %s" % revision)
return HttpResponse('Push received')
......@@ -309,6 +309,7 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (
# For CMS
'student', # misleading name due to sharing with lms
# For asset pipelining
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