Commit 6bbc37de by Sarina Canelake

Merge pull request #10287 from open-craft/validate-utils-gettext-extraction

Extract translatable strings from edx.utils.validate.js.
parents cabe396a 27238654
......@@ -24,12 +24,13 @@
var _fn = {
validate: {
template: _.template( '<li><%= content %></li>' ),
msg: {
email: '<li><%- gettext("The email address you\'ve provided isn\'t formatted correctly.") %></li>',
min: '<li><%- _.sprintf( gettext("%(field)s must have at least %(count)d characters."), context ) %></li>',
max: '<li><%- _.sprintf( gettext("%(field)s can only contain up to %(count)d characters."), context ) %></li>',
required: '<li><%- _.sprintf( gettext("Please enter your %(field)s."), context ) %></li>',
custom: '<li><%= content %></li>'
email: gettext("The email address you've provided isn't formatted correctly."),
min: gettext("%(field)s must have at least %(count)d characters."),
max: gettext("%(field)s can only contain up to %(count)d characters."),
required: gettext("Please enter your %(field)s.")
field: function( el ) {
......@@ -131,9 +132,9 @@
getMessage: function( $el, tests ) {
var txt = [],
_.each( tests, function( value, key ) {
......@@ -143,30 +144,20 @@
// If the field has a custom error msg attached, use it
if ( customMsg ) {
tpl = _fn.validate.msg.custom;
obj = {
content: customMsg
content = customMsg;
} else {
tpl = _fn.validate.msg[key];
obj = {
// We pass the context object to the template so that
// we can perform variable interpolation using sprintf
context: {
field: label
context = {field: label};
if ( key === 'min' ) {
obj.context.count = parseInt( $el.attr('minlength'), 10 );
context.count = parseInt( $el.attr('minlength'), 10 );
} else if ( key === 'max' ) {
obj.context.count = parseInt( $el.attr('maxlength'), 10 );
context.count = parseInt( $el.attr('maxlength'), 10 );
content = _.sprintf( _fn.validate.msg[key], context );
txt.push( _.template( tpl, obj ) );
txt.push( _fn.validate.template( {content: content} ) );
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