Commit 6b9ace46 by Valera Rozuvan Committed by Alexander Kryklia

Refined error messaging.

parent 426f44e0
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ define('ElOutput', ['logme'], function (logme) {
logme('Error message: "' + err.message + '".');
$('#' + gstId).html('<div style="color: red;">' + 'ERROR IN XML: Could not create a function from string "' + funcString + '".' + '</div>');
$('#' + gstId).html('<div style="color: red;">' + 'Error message: "' + err.message + '".' + '</div>');
$('#' + gstId).append('<div style="color: red;">' + 'Error message: "' + err.message + '".' + '</div>');
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