Commit 6b8e2c78 by Arjun Singh

Allow students to delete threads / respones; prepare for edit view for response…

Allow students to delete threads / respones; prepare for edit view for response comments (but not complete)
parent 3cbc075f
......@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ def check_conditions_permissions(user, permissions, course_id, **kwargs):
'update_thread' : ['edit_content', ['update_thread', 'is_open', 'is_author']],
'create_comment' : [["create_comment", "is_open"]],
'delete_thread' : ['delete_thread'],
'delete_thread' : ['delete_thread', ['update_thread', 'is_author']],
'update_comment' : ['edit_content', ['update_comment', 'is_open', 'is_author']],
'endorse_comment' : ['endorse_comment'],
'openclose_thread' : ['openclose_thread'],
'create_sub_comment': [['create_sub_comment', 'is_open']],
'delete_comment' : ['delete_comment'],
'delete_comment' : ['delete_comment', ['update_comment', 'is_open', 'is_author']],
'vote_for_comment' : [['vote', 'is_open']],
'undo_vote_for_comment': [['unvote', 'is_open']],
'vote_for_thread' : [['vote', 'is_open']],
......@@ -2,35 +2,30 @@ if Backbone?
class @ResponseCommentView extends DiscussionContentView
tagName: "li"
initLocal: ->
# TODO .response-local is the parent of the comments so @$local is null, not sure what was intended here...
@$local = @$el.find(".response-local")
@$delegateElement = @$local
$: (selector) ->
initialize: ->
render: ->
@template = _.template($("#response-comment-template").html())
params = @model.toJSON()
params['deep'] = @model.hasOwnProperty('parent')
if @model.hasOwnProperty('parent')
params['parent_id'] =
params['parent_username'] = @model.parent.get('username')
convertMath: ->
body = @$el.find(".response-body")
body.html DiscussionUtil.postMathJaxProcessor DiscussionUtil.markdownWithHighlight body.html()
# This removes paragraphs so that comments are more compact
body.children("p").each (index, elem) ->
MathJax.Hub.Queue ["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, body[0]]
markAsStaff: ->
if DiscussionUtil.isStaff(@model.get("user_id"))
@$el.find("a.profile-link").after('<span class="staff-label">staff</span>')
createShowView: () ->
if @editView?
@editView = null
@showView = new ResponseCommentShowView(model: @model)
renderSubView: (view) ->
renderShowView: () ->
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
<script type="text/template" id="response-comment-template">
<script type="text/template" id="response-comment-show-template">
<p id="comment_${'<%- id %>'}">
${'<% if (deep) {%>'}
<a href="#comment_${'<%- parent_id %>'}">@${'<%- parent_username %>'}</a>:
Markdown is supported
0% or
You are about to add 0 people to the discussion. Proceed with caution.
Finish editing this message first!
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