Commit 6a0c9aee by cewing


Implement the use of CCX opaque keys throughout the ccx code base

include the new custom ccx id package in the github checkouts list

update the coach dashboard wrapper to get CCX information from the incoming course_id, if possible

update function signatures for all view functions to expect CCX as passed by the dashboard wrapper (default to None), remove calls to get_ccx_for_coach as the ccx is passed in.

update reverse calls in python view code to use a CCXLocator for the URL instead of a CourseLocator

use CCXLocator where necessary

use course id to find ccx, instead of thread local

remove unused method and related tests

use course id for getting ccx

provide course id to the get_current_ccx method

ensure the course id passed in is a CourseKey instance of some type whether it starts out as a string or not

use the provided block to figure out what the course_id should be, then get the ccx for that

redirect to ccx dashboard using coach ccx if no ccx is passed in

update student dashboard listing for ccx to build an appropriate url from a CCXLocator, not from the course locator.

refactor building the ccx locator so we don't have to do it repeatedly

begin test refactoring after ccx_keys introduction

Ensure that when access checking happens, the course_locator form of a ccx locator is used.  This ensures that the access check happens against the course and it is not necesarry to duplicate the entire access control structure for the course.

pick up api change in ccx-keys

create and conditionally use a wrapper for the mixed modulestore returned by xmodule.modulestore.django.modulestore

the wrapper will strip and restore ccx values from CourseKey and UsageKey objects

fix return values on a few methods

remove unused symbol

pull updated ccx-keys package

set course_id on the caching descriptor system to avoid api incompatibilities in some subsystems

use ccx.course instead of self.course

fix get method to find course keys from blocks that are not themselves keys but have a location attribute (which will be a key)

if an item coming out of the db has children, restore the ccx to them as well

if the block passed in has a CCX key, unwrap that before we try to look up the override, otherwise it will never be found.

pick up a change in the ccx keys package that allows for stripping CCX identity from a usage key

begin writing tests to cover this modulestore wrapper

remove the switch_pocs view, the url pattern for it, and the tests that covered it

remove the ccx context and the middleware responsible for setting the current CCX.  These are no longer needed

all dashboard views should raise 404 if a ccx is not provided by the coach_dashboard decorator

code quality

prevent errors resulting from trying to `get` a ccx based on non-unique criteria.

remove obsolete usage of ACTIVE_CCX_KEY

fix setUp method for grading tests to properly create grades for the ccx rather than for the course.

clean up reverse calls

code quality

adding docstrings to clarify purpose of this patch

fix bug in getting ccx for coach

fix grading views to properly fetch a ccx-ified course so that grades for that version will be calculated

fix small errors in modulestore implementation

fix errant merge marker

update call to get_current_ccx after key refactoring merged with tab changes
parent 233aba74
......@@ -1195,6 +1195,13 @@ class CourseEnrollment(models.Model):
if not user.is_authenticated():
return False
# unwrap CCXLocators so that we use the course as the access control
# source
from ccx_keys.locator import CCXLocator
if isinstance(course_key, CCXLocator):
course_key = course_key.to_course_locator()
record = CourseEnrollment.objects.get(user=user, course_id=course_key)
return record.is_active
......@@ -618,14 +618,10 @@ def dashboard(request):
ccx_membership_triplets = []
if settings.FEATURES.get('CUSTOM_COURSES_EDX', False):
from ccx import ACTIVE_CCX_KEY
from ccx.utils import get_ccx_membership_triplets
ccx_membership_triplets = get_ccx_membership_triplets(
user, course_org_filter, org_filter_out_set
# should we deselect any active CCX at this time so that we don't have
# to change the URL for viewing a course? I think so.
request.session[ACTIVE_CCX_KEY] = None
context = {
'enrollment_message': enrollment_message,
......@@ -193,6 +193,10 @@ def modulestore():
settings.MODULESTORE['default'].get('OPTIONS', {})
from ccx.modulestore import CCXModulestoreWrapper
......@@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
self.modulestore = modulestore
self.course_entry = course_entry
# set course_id attribute to avoid problems with subsystems that expect
# it here. (grading, for example)
self.course_id = course_entry.course_key
self.lazy = lazy
self.module_data = module_data
self.default_class = default_class
we use this to mark the active ccx, for use by ccx middleware and some views
ACTIVE_CCX_KEY = '_ccx_id'
......@@ -3,16 +3,18 @@ API related to providing field overrides for individual students. This is used
by the individual custom courses feature.
import json
import threading
from contextlib import contextmanager
import logging
from django.db import transaction, IntegrityError
from courseware.field_overrides import FieldOverrideProvider # pylint: disable=import-error
from ccx import ACTIVE_CCX_KEY # pylint: disable=import-error
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey, UsageKey
from ccx_keys.locator import CCXLocator, CCXBlockUsageLocator
from .models import CcxMembership, CcxFieldOverride, CustomCourseForEdX
from .models import CcxMembership, CcxFieldOverride
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CustomCoursesForEdxOverrideProvider(FieldOverrideProvider):
......@@ -25,43 +27,42 @@ class CustomCoursesForEdxOverrideProvider(FieldOverrideProvider):
Just call the get_override_for_ccx method if there is a ccx
ccx = get_current_ccx()
# The incoming block might be a CourseKey instance of some type, a
# UsageKey instance of some type, or it might be something that has a
# location attribute. That location attribute will be a UsageKey
ccx = course_id = None
identifier = getattr(block, 'id', None)
if isinstance(identifier, CourseKey):
course_id =
elif isinstance(identifier, UsageKey):
course_id =
elif hasattr(block, 'location'):
course_id = block.location.course_key
msg = "Unable to get course id when calculating ccx overide for block type {}"
if course_id is not None:
ccx = get_current_ccx(course_id)
if ccx:
return get_override_for_ccx(ccx, block, name, default)
return default
class _CcxContext(threading.local):
def get_current_ccx(course_id):
A threading local used to implement the `with_ccx` context manager, that
keeps track of the CCX currently set as the context.
Return the ccx that is active for this course.
ccx = None
request = None
_CCX_CONTEXT = _CcxContext()
def ccx_context(ccx):
A context manager which can be used to explicitly set the CCX that is in
play for field overrides. This mechanism overrides the standard mechanism
of looking in the user's session to see if they are enrolled in a CCX and
viewing that CCX.
prev = _CCX_CONTEXT.ccx
_CCX_CONTEXT.ccx = ccx
_CCX_CONTEXT.ccx = prev
# ensure that the ID passed in is a CourseKey instance of some type.
if isinstance(course_id, CourseKey):
course_key = course_id
course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id)
def get_current_ccx():
Return the ccx that is active for this request.
return _CCX_CONTEXT.ccx
ccx = None
if isinstance(course_key, CCXLocator):
ccx_id = course_key.ccx
ccx = CustomCourseForEdX.objects.get(pk=ccx_id)
return ccx
def get_override_for_ccx(ccx, block, name, default=None):
......@@ -85,9 +86,14 @@ def _get_overrides_for_ccx(ccx, block):
overrides set on this block for this CCX.
overrides = {}
# block as passed in may have a location specific to a CCX, we must strip
# that for this query
location = block.location
if isinstance(block.location, CCXBlockUsageLocator):
location = block.location.to_block_locator()
query = CcxFieldOverride.objects.filter(
for override in query:
field = block.fields[override.field]
......@@ -141,35 +147,3 @@ def clear_override_for_ccx(ccx, block, name):
except CcxFieldOverride.DoesNotExist:
class CcxMiddleware(object):
Checks to see if current session is examining a CCX and sets the CCX as
the current CCX for the override machinery if so.
def process_request(self, request):
Do the check.
ccx_id = request.session.get(ACTIVE_CCX_KEY, None)
if ccx_id is not None:
membership = CcxMembership.objects.get(
student=request.user, active=True, ccx__id__exact=ccx_id
_CCX_CONTEXT.ccx = membership.ccx
except CcxMembership.DoesNotExist:
# if there is no membership, be sure to unset the active ccx
_CCX_CONTEXT.ccx = None
_CCX_CONTEXT.request = request
def process_response(self, request, response): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Clean up afterwards.
_CCX_CONTEXT.ccx = None
_CCX_CONTEXT.request = None
return response
Test the CCXModulestoreWrapper
from collections import deque
from ccx_keys.locator import CCXLocator, CCXBlockUsageLocator
import datetime
from itertools import izip_longest
import pytz
from student.tests.factories import ( # pylint: disable=import-error
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import (
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory, ItemFactory
from ..models import CustomCourseForEdX
def flatten(seq):
For [[1, 2], [3, 4]] returns [1, 2, 3, 4]. Does not recurse.
return [x for sub in seq for x in sub]
class TestCCXModulestoreWrapper(ModuleStoreTestCase):
"""tests for a modulestore wrapped by CCXModulestoreWrapper
def setUp(self):
Set up tests
super(TestCCXModulestoreWrapper, self).setUp()
course = CourseFactory.create()
# Create instructor account
coach = AdminFactory.create()
# Create a course outline
self.mooc_start = start = datetime.datetime(
2010, 5, 12, 2, 42, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
self.mooc_due = due = datetime.datetime(
2010, 7, 7, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
chapters = [ItemFactory.create(start=start, parent=course)
for _ in xrange(2)]
sequentials = flatten([
ItemFactory.create(parent=chapter) for _ in xrange(2)
] for chapter in chapters
verticals = flatten([
due=due, parent=sequential, graded=True, format='Homework'
) for _ in xrange(2)
] for sequential in sequentials
blocks = flatten([ # pylint: disable=unused-variable
ItemFactory.create(parent=vertical) for _ in xrange(2)
] for vertical in verticals
self.ccx = ccx = CustomCourseForEdX(,
display_name='Test CCX',
self.ccx_locator = CCXLocator.from_course_locator(,
def get_all_children_bf(self, block):
queue = deque([block])
while queue:
item = queue.popleft()
yield item
def get_course(self, key):
"""get a course given a key"""
course =
return course
def test_get_course(self):
"""retrieving a course with a ccx key works"""
expected = self.get_course(self.ccx_locator.to_course_locator())
actual = self.get_course(self.ccx_locator)
self.assertEqual(expected.display_name, actual.display_name)
def test_get_children(self):
"""the children of retrieved courses should be the same with course and ccx keys
course_key = self.ccx_locator.to_course_locator()
course = self.get_course(course_key)
ccx = self.get_course(self.ccx_locator)
for expected, actual in izip_longest(
self.get_all_children_bf(course), self.get_all_children_bf(ccx)
if expected is None:'course children exhausted before ccx children')
if actual is None:'ccx children exhausted before course children')
self.assertEqual(expected.display_name, actual.display_name)
self.assertEqual(expected.location.course_key, course_key)
self.assertEqual(actual.location.course_key, self.ccx_locator)
......@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from courseware.field_overrides import OverrideFieldData # pylint: disable=import-error
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from student.tests.factories import AdminFactory # pylint: disable=import-error
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import (
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory, ItemFactory
from ..models import CustomCourseForEdX
......@@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ class TestFieldOverrides(ModuleStoreTestCase):
Make sure field overrides behave in the expected manner.
def setUp(self):
Set up tests
......@@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ class TestFieldOverrides(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# sure if there's a way to poke the test harness to do so. So, we'll
# just inject the override field storage in this brute force manner.
OverrideFieldData.provider_classes = None
for block in iter_blocks(course):
for block in iter_blocks(ccx.course):
block._field_data = OverrideFieldData.wrap( # pylint: disable=protected-access
AdminFactory.create(), block._field_data) # pylint: disable=protected-access
......@@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ class TestFieldOverrides(ModuleStoreTestCase):
Test that overriding start date on a chapter works.
ccx_start = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 25, 00, 00, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
chapter = self.course.get_children()[0]
chapter = self.ccx.course.get_children()[0]
override_field_for_ccx(self.ccx, chapter, 'start', ccx_start)
self.assertEquals(chapter.start, ccx_start)
......@@ -90,7 +93,7 @@ class TestFieldOverrides(ModuleStoreTestCase):
Test that overriding and accessing a field produce same number of queries.
ccx_start = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 25, 00, 00, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
chapter = self.course.get_children()[0]
chapter = self.ccx.course.get_children()[0]
with self.assertNumQueries(4):
override_field_for_ccx(self.ccx, chapter, 'start', ccx_start)
dummy = chapter.start
......@@ -100,7 +103,7 @@ class TestFieldOverrides(ModuleStoreTestCase):
Test no extra queries when accessing an overriden field more than once.
ccx_start = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 25, 00, 00, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
chapter = self.course.get_children()[0]
chapter = self.ccx.course.get_children()[0]
with self.assertNumQueries(4):
override_field_for_ccx(self.ccx, chapter, 'start', ccx_start)
dummy1 = chapter.start
......@@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ class TestFieldOverrides(ModuleStoreTestCase):
Test that sequentials inherit overridden start date from chapter.
ccx_start = datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 25, 00, 00, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
chapter = self.course.get_children()[0]
chapter = self.ccx.course.get_children()[0]
override_field_for_ccx(self.ccx, chapter, 'start', ccx_start)
self.assertEquals(chapter.get_children()[0].start, ccx_start)
self.assertEquals(chapter.get_children()[1].start, ccx_start)
......@@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ class TestFieldOverrides(ModuleStoreTestCase):
the mooc.
ccx_due = datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 00, 00, tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
chapter = self.course.get_children()[0]
chapter = self.ccx.course.get_children()[0]
chapter.display_name = 'itsme!'
override_field_for_ccx(self.ccx, chapter, 'due', ccx_due)
vertical = chapter.get_children()[0].get_children()[0]
......@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ from student.roles import CourseCcxCoachRole # pylint: disable=import-error
from student.tests.factories import ( # pylint: disable=import-error
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import (
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory
from ccx_keys.locator import CCXLocator
......@@ -128,6 +129,7 @@ class TestEmailEnrollmentState(ModuleStoreTestCase):
class TestGetEmailParams(ModuleStoreTestCase):
"""tests for ccx.utils.get_email_params
def setUp(self):
Set up tests
......@@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ class TestGetEmailParams(ModuleStoreTestCase):
self.assertFalse(set(params.keys()) - set(self.all_keys))
def test_ccx_id_in_params(self):
expected_course_id = self.ccx.course_id.to_deprecated_string()
expected_course_id = unicode(CCXLocator.from_course_locator(self.ccx.course_id,
params = self.call_fut()
self.assertEqual(params['course'], self.ccx)
for url_key in self.url_keys:
......@@ -185,6 +187,7 @@ class TestGetEmailParams(ModuleStoreTestCase):
class TestEnrollEmail(ModuleStoreTestCase):
"""tests for the enroll_email function from ccx.utils
def setUp(self):
super(TestEnrollEmail, self).setUp()
# unbind the user created by the parent, so we can create our own when
......@@ -365,6 +368,7 @@ class TestEnrollEmail(ModuleStoreTestCase):
# TODO: deal with changes in behavior for auto_enroll
class TestUnenrollEmail(ModuleStoreTestCase):
"""Tests for the unenroll_email function from ccx.utils"""
def setUp(self):
super(TestUnenrollEmail, self).setUp()
# unbind the user created by the parent, so we can create our own when
......@@ -508,70 +512,3 @@ class TestUnenrollEmail(ModuleStoreTestCase):
self.check_enrollment_state(before, True, self.user, True)
# no email was sent to the student
self.assertEqual(self.outbox, [])
class TestUserCCXList(ModuleStoreTestCase):
"""Unit tests for ccx.utils.get_all_ccx_for_user"""
def setUp(self):
"""Create required infrastructure for tests"""
super(TestUserCCXList, self).setUp()
self.course = CourseFactory.create()
coach = AdminFactory.create()
role = CourseCcxCoachRole(
self.ccx = CcxFactory(, coach=coach)
enrollment = CourseEnrollmentFactory.create(
self.user = enrollment.user
self.anonymous = AnonymousUserFactory.create()
def register_user_in_ccx(self, active=False):
"""create registration of self.user in self.ccx
registration will be inactive unless active=True
CcxMembershipFactory(ccx=self.ccx, student=self.user, active=active)
def get_course_title(self):
"""Get course title"""
from import get_course_about_section # pylint: disable=import-error
return get_course_about_section(self.course, 'title')
def call_fut(self, user):
"""Call function under test"""
from ccx.utils import get_all_ccx_for_user # pylint: disable=import-error
return get_all_ccx_for_user(user)
def test_anonymous_sees_no_ccx(self):
memberships = self.call_fut(self.anonymous)
self.assertEqual(memberships, [])
def test_unenrolled_sees_no_ccx(self):
memberships = self.call_fut(self.user)
self.assertEqual(memberships, [])
def test_enrolled_inactive_sees_no_ccx(self):
memberships = self.call_fut(self.user)
self.assertEqual(memberships, [])
def test_enrolled_sees_a_ccx(self):
memberships = self.call_fut(self.user)
self.assertEqual(len(memberships), 1)
def test_data_structure(self):
memberships = self.call_fut(self.user)
this_membership = memberships[0]
# structure contains the expected keys
for key in ['ccx_name', 'ccx_url']:
self.assertTrue(key in this_membership.keys())
url_parts = [, str(]
# all parts of the ccx url are present
for part in url_parts:
self.assertTrue(part in this_membership['ccx_url'])
actual_name = self.ccx.display_name
self.assertEqual(actual_name, this_membership['ccx_name'])
......@@ -24,6 +24,4 @@ urlpatterns = patterns(
'ccx.views.ccx_grades_csv', name='ccx_grades_csv'),
'ccx.views.set_grading_policy', name='ccx_set_grading_policy'),
'ccx.views.switch_active_ccx', name='switch_active_ccx'),
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ from edxmako.shortcuts import render_to_string # pylint: disable=import-error
from microsite_configuration import microsite # pylint: disable=import-error
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.error_module import ErrorDescriptor
from ccx_keys.locator import CCXLocator
from .models import (
......@@ -138,7 +139,6 @@ def get_email_params(ccx, auto_enroll, secure=True):
get parameters for enrollment emails
protocol = 'https' if secure else 'http'
course_id = ccx.course_id
stripped_site_name = microsite.get_value(
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ def get_email_params(ccx, auto_enroll, secure=True):
kwargs={'course_id': course_id.to_deprecated_string()}
kwargs={'course_id': CCXLocator.from_course_locator(ccx.course_id,}
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ def get_email_params(ccx, auto_enroll, secure=True):
kwargs={'course_id': course_id.to_deprecated_string()}
kwargs={'course_id': CCXLocator.from_course_locator(ccx.course_id,}
......@@ -241,44 +241,6 @@ def send_mail_to_student(student, param_dict):
def get_all_ccx_for_user(user):
"""return all CCXS to which the user is registered
Returns a list of dicts: {
ccx_name: <formatted title of CCX course>
ccx_url: <url to view this CCX>
ccx_active: True if this ccx is currently the 'active' one
mooc_name: <formatted title of the MOOC course for this CCX>
mooc_url: <url to view this MOOC>
if user.is_anonymous():
return []
current_active_ccx = get_current_ccx()
memberships = []
for membership in CcxMembership.memberships_for_user(user):
course = get_course_by_id(membership.ccx.course_id)
ccx = membership.ccx
ccx_title = ccx.display_name
mooc_title = get_course_about_section(course, 'title')
url = reverse(
mooc_url = reverse(
args=[, ]
'ccx_name': ccx_title,
'ccx_url': url,
'active': membership.ccx == current_active_ccx,
'mooc_name': mooc_title,
'mooc_url': mooc_url,
return memberships
def get_ccx_membership_triplets(user, course_org_filter, org_filter_out_set):
Get the relevant set of (CustomCourseForEdX, CcxMembership, Course)
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ from util.milestones_helpers import (
from ccx_keys.locator import CCXLocator
import dogstats_wrapper as dog_stats_api
......@@ -91,6 +92,9 @@ def has_access(user, action, obj, course_key=None):
if not user:
user = AnonymousUser()
if isinstance(course_key, CCXLocator):
course_key = course_key.to_course_locator()
# delegate the work to type-specific functions.
# (start with more specific types, then get more general)
if isinstance(obj, CourseDescriptor):
......@@ -107,6 +111,8 @@ def has_access(user, action, obj, course_key=None):
return _has_access_descriptor(user, action, obj, course_key)
if isinstance(obj, CourseKey):
if isinstance(obj, CCXLocator):
obj = obj.to_course_locator()
return _has_access_course_key(user, action, obj)
if isinstance(obj, UsageKey):
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class DiscussionTab(EnrolledTab):
return False
if settings.FEATURES.get('CUSTOM_COURSES_EDX', False):
if get_current_ccx():
if get_current_ccx(
return False
......@@ -473,7 +473,6 @@ FEATURES['CERTIFICATES_HTML_VIEW'] = True
######### custom courses #########
INSTALLED_APPS += ('ccx',)
MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES += ('ccx.overrides.CcxMiddleware',)
# Set dummy values for profile image settings.
......@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from import course_image_url, get_course_about_section
from ccx_keys.locator import CCXLocator
ccx_switch_target = reverse('switch_active_ccx', args=[,])
ccx_target = reverse('info', args=[CCXLocator.from_course_locator(,])
<li class="course-item">
<article class="course">
......@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ from import course_image_url, get_course_about_section
<div class="wrapper-course-image" aria-hidden="true">
% if show_courseware_link:
% if not is_course_blocked:
<a href="${ccx_switch_target}" class="cover">
<a href="${ccx_target}" class="cover">
<img src="${course_image_url(course)}" class="course-image" alt="${_('{course_number} {ccx_name} Cover Image').format(course_number=course.number, ccx_name=ccx.display_name) |h}" />
% else:
......@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ from import course_image_url, get_course_about_section
<h3 class="course-title">
% if show_courseware_link:
% if not is_course_blocked:
<a href="${ccx_switch_target}">${ccx.display_name}</a>
<a href="${ccx_target}">${ccx.display_name}</a>
% else:
<a class="disable-look">${ccx.display_name}</a>
% endif
......@@ -58,13 +59,13 @@ from import course_image_url, get_course_about_section
<div class="course-actions">
% if ccx.has_ended():
% if not is_course_blocked:
<a href="${ccx_switch_target}" class="enter-course archived">${_('View Archived Custom Course')}<span class="sr">&nbsp;${ccx.display_name}</span></a>
<a href="${ccx_target}" class="enter-course archived">${_('View Archived Custom Course')}<span class="sr">&nbsp;${ccx.display_name}</span></a>
% else:
<a class="enter-course-blocked archived">${_('View Archived Custom Course')}<span class="sr">&nbsp;${ccx.display_name}</span></a>
% endif
% else:
% if not is_course_blocked:
<a href="${ccx_switch_target}" class="enter-course">${_('View Custom Course')}<span class="sr">&nbsp;${ccx.display_name}</span></a>
<a href="${ccx_target}" class="enter-course">${_('View Custom Course')}<span class="sr">&nbsp;${ccx.display_name}</span></a>
% else:
<a class="enter-course-blocked">${_('View Custom Course')}<span class="sr">&nbsp;${ccx.display_name}</span></a>
% endif
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ site_status_msg = get_site_status_msg(course_id)
display_name = course.display_name_with_default
if settings.FEATURES.get('CUSTOM_COURSES_EDX', False):
ccx = get_current_ccx()
ccx = get_current_ccx(
if ccx:
display_name = ccx.display_name
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ git+
-e git+
-e git+
-e git+
# Third Party XBlocks
-e git+
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