Commit 696f1df0 by Diana Huang

Pass through the certificate mode correctly.

parent d72b61a5
......@@ -152,38 +152,43 @@ class CourseEndingTest(TestCase):
{'status': 'processing',
'show_disabled_download_button': False,
'show_download_url': False,
'show_survey_button': False, })
'show_survey_button': False,
cert_status = {'status': 'unavailable'}
self.assertEqual(_cert_info(user, course, cert_status),
{'status': 'processing',
'show_disabled_download_button': False,
'show_download_url': False,
'show_survey_button': False})
'show_survey_button': False,
'mode': None
cert_status = {'status': 'generating', 'grade': '67'}
cert_status = {'status': 'generating', 'grade': '67', 'mode': 'honor'}
self.assertEqual(_cert_info(user, course, cert_status),
{'status': 'generating',
'show_disabled_download_button': True,
'show_download_url': False,
'show_survey_button': True,
'survey_url': survey_url,
'grade': '67'
'grade': '67',
'mode': 'honor'
cert_status = {'status': 'regenerating', 'grade': '67'}
cert_status = {'status': 'regenerating', 'grade': '67', 'mode': 'verified'}
self.assertEqual(_cert_info(user, course, cert_status),
{'status': 'generating',
'show_disabled_download_button': True,
'show_download_url': False,
'show_survey_button': True,
'survey_url': survey_url,
'grade': '67'
'grade': '67',
'mode': 'verified'
download_url = 'http://s3.edx/cert'
cert_status = {'status': 'downloadable', 'grade': '67',
'download_url': download_url}
'download_url': download_url, 'mode': 'honor'}
self.assertEqual(_cert_info(user, course, cert_status),
{'status': 'ready',
'show_disabled_download_button': False,
......@@ -191,30 +196,33 @@ class CourseEndingTest(TestCase):
'download_url': download_url,
'show_survey_button': True,
'survey_url': survey_url,
'grade': '67'
'grade': '67',
'mode': 'honor'
cert_status = {'status': 'notpassing', 'grade': '67',
'download_url': download_url}
'download_url': download_url, 'mode': 'honor'}
self.assertEqual(_cert_info(user, course, cert_status),
{'status': 'notpassing',
'show_disabled_download_button': False,
'show_download_url': False,
'show_survey_button': True,
'survey_url': survey_url,
'grade': '67'
'grade': '67',
'mode': 'honor'
# Test a course that doesn't have a survey specified
course2 = Mock(end_of_course_survey_url=None)
cert_status = {'status': 'notpassing', 'grade': '67',
'download_url': download_url}
'download_url': download_url, 'mode': 'honor'}
self.assertEqual(_cert_info(user, course2, cert_status),
{'status': 'notpassing',
'show_disabled_download_button': False,
'show_download_url': False,
'show_survey_button': False,
'grade': '67'
'grade': '67',
'mode': 'honor'
......@@ -185,7 +185,8 @@ def _cert_info(user, course, cert_status):
default_info = {'status': default_status,
'show_disabled_download_button': False,
'show_download_url': False,
'show_survey_button': False}
'show_survey_button': False,
if cert_status is None:
return default_info
......@@ -203,7 +204,8 @@ def _cert_info(user, course, cert_status):
d = {'status': status,
'show_download_url': status == 'ready',
'show_disabled_download_button': status == 'generating', }
'show_disabled_download_button': status == 'generating',
'mode': cert_status.get('mode', None)}
if (status in ('generating', 'ready', 'notpassing', 'restricted') and
course.end_of_course_survey_url is not None):
......@@ -296,7 +298,7 @@ def complete_course_mode_info(course_id, enrollment):
def dashboard(request):
user = request.user
# Build our (course, enorllment) list for the user, but ignore any courses that no
# Build our (course, enorllment) list for the user, but ignore any courses that no
# longer exist (because the course IDs have changed). Still, we don't delete those
# enrollments, because it could have been a data push snafu.
course_enrollment_pairs = []
......@@ -1515,4 +1517,4 @@ def change_email_settings(request):"User {0} ({1}) opted out of receiving emails from course {2}".format(user.username,, course_id))
track.views.server_track(request, "change-email-settings", {"receive_emails": "no", "course": course_id}, page='dashboard')
return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success': True}))
\ No newline at end of file
return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success': True}))
......@@ -144,4 +144,4 @@ def certificate_status_for_student(student, course_id):
return d
except GeneratedCertificate.DoesNotExist:
return {'status': CertificateStatuses.unavailable}
return {'status': CertificateStatuses.unavailable, 'mode': CertificateModes.honor}
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