Commit 68716f99 by Vasyl Nakvasiuk

video module: `_get_timeframe` -> `get_timeframe`

parent b2571034
"""Video is ungraded Xmodule for support video content."""
import json
import logging
......@@ -8,7 +10,6 @@ from django.http import Http404
from xmodule.x_module import XModule
from xmodule.raw_module import RawDescriptor
from xmodule.contentstore.content import StaticContent
from xblock.core import Integer, Scope, String
import datetime
......@@ -18,21 +19,26 @@ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VideoFields(object):
"""Fields for `VideoModule` and `VideoDescriptor`."""
data = String(help="XML data for the problem", scope=Scope.content)
position = Integer(help="Current position in the video", scope=Scope.user_state, default=0)
class VideoModule(VideoFields, XModule):
"""Video Xmodule."""
video_time = 0
icon_class = 'video'
js = {'coffee':
[resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/video/')] +
js = {
'coffee': [
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/'),
resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/video/')
] +
[resource_string(__name__, 'js/src/video/display/' + filename)
for filename
in sorted(resource_listdir(__name__, 'js/src/video/display'))
if filename.endswith('.coffee')]}
if filename.endswith('.coffee')]
css = {'scss': [resource_string(__name__, 'css/video/display.scss')]}
js_module_name = "Video"
......@@ -44,14 +50,14 @@ class VideoModule(VideoFields, XModule):
self.show_captions = xmltree.get('show_captions', 'true')
self.source = self._get_source(xmltree)
self.track = self._get_track(xmltree)
self.start_time, self.end_time = self._get_timeframe(xmltree)
self.start_time, self.end_time = self.get_timeframe(xmltree)
def _get_source(self, xmltree):
# find the first valid source
"""Find the first valid source."""
return self._get_first_external(xmltree, 'source')
def _get_track(self, xmltree):
# find the first valid track
"""Find the first valid track."""
return self._get_first_external(xmltree, 'track')
def _get_first_external(self, xmltree, tag):
......@@ -68,29 +74,30 @@ class VideoModule(VideoFields, XModule):
return result
def _get_timeframe(self, xmltree):
def get_timeframe(self, xmltree):
""" Converts 'from' and 'to' parameters in video tag to seconds.
If there are no parameters, returns empty string. """
def parse_time(s):
def parse_time(str_time):
"""Converts s in '12:34:45' format to seconds. If s is
None, returns empty string"""
if s is None:
if str_time is None:
return ''
x = time.strptime(s, '%H:%M:%S')
return datetime.timedelta(hours=x.tm_hour,
obj_time = time.strptime(str_time, '%H:%M:%S')
return datetime.timedelta(
return parse_time(xmltree.get('from')), parse_time(xmltree.get('to'))
def handle_ajax(self, dispatch, get):
Handle ajax calls to this video.
"""Handle ajax calls to this video.
TODO (vshnayder): This is not being called right now, so the position
is not being saved.
log.debug(u"GET {0}".format(get))
log.debug(u"DISPATCH {0}".format(dispatch))
if dispatch == 'goto_position':
......@@ -100,27 +107,28 @@ class VideoModule(VideoFields, XModule):
raise Http404()
def get_progress(self):
''' TODO (vshnayder): Get and save duration of youtube video, then return
"""TODO (vshnayder): Get and save duration of youtube video, then return
fraction watched.
(Be careful to notice when video link changes and update)
For now, we have no way of knowing if the video has even been watched, so
just return None.
return None
def get_instance_state(self):
#log.debug(u"STATE POSITION {0}".format(self.position))
"""Return information about state (position)."""
return json.dumps({'position': self.position})
def video_list(self):
"""Return video list."""
def get_html(self):
# We normally let JS parse this, but in the case that we need a hacked
# out <object> player because YouTube has broken their <iframe> API for
# the third time in a year, we need to extract it server side.
normal_speed_video_id = None # The 1.0 speed video
normal_speed_video_id = None # The 1.0 speed video
# video_list() example:
# "0.75:nugHYNiD3fI,1.0:7m8pab1MfYY,1.25:3CxdPGXShq8,1.50:F-D7bOFCnXA"
......@@ -144,6 +152,7 @@ class VideoModule(VideoFields, XModule):
class VideoDescriptor(VideoFields, RawDescriptor):
"""Descriptor for `VideoModule`."""
module_class = VideoModule
stores_state = True
template_dir_name = "video"
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class VideoModuleLogicTest(LogicTest):
def test_get_timeframe_no_parameters(self):
"""Make sure that timeframe() works correctly w/o parameters"""
xmltree = etree.fromstring('<video>test</video>')
output = self.xmodule._get_timeframe(xmltree)
output = self.xmodule.get_timeframe(xmltree)
self.assertEqual(output, ('', ''))
def test_get_timeframe_with_one_parameter(self):
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class VideoModuleLogicTest(LogicTest):
xmltree = etree.fromstring(
'<video from="00:04:07">test</video>'
output = self.xmodule._get_timeframe(xmltree)
output = self.xmodule.get_timeframe(xmltree)
self.assertEqual(output, (247, ''))
def test_get_timeframe_with_two_parameters(self):
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class VideoModuleLogicTest(LogicTest):
output = self.xmodule._get_timeframe(xmltree)
output = self.xmodule.get_timeframe(xmltree)
self.assertEqual(output, (247, 47079))
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