Commit 66e2ebb3 by Ahsan Ulhaq

Catch Exception on getting sailthru cookie

parent ff7fa721
......@@ -82,7 +82,11 @@ def add_email_marketing_cookies(sender, response=None, user=None,
post_parms['cookies'] = {'anonymous_interest': sailthru_content}
time_before_call =
sailthru_response = get_email_cookies_via_sailthru.delay(, post_parms)
sailthru_response = get_email_cookies_via_sailthru.delay(, post_parms)
except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except
log.error("Exception Connecting to celery task: %s", unicode(exc))
return response
# synchronous call to get result of an asynchronous celery task, with timeout
......@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ class EmailMarketingTests(TestCase):
add_email_marketing_cookies(None, response=response, user=self.user)
self.assertFalse('sailthru_hid' in response.cookies)
......@@ -195,6 +196,22 @@ class EmailMarketingTests(TestCase):
self.assertEquals(userparms['vars']['activated'], 1)
self.assertEquals(userparms['lists']['new list'], 1)
def test_drop_cookie_task_error(self, mock_task):
test that task error is handled
mock_task.side_effect = Exception
with LogCapture(LOGGER_NAME, level=logging.INFO) as logger:
add_email_marketing_cookies(None, response=None, user=self.user)
'Exception Connecting to celery task: {exception}'.format(
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