Commit 668c476a by Valera Rozuvan Committed by Valera Rozuvan

Add auto screenshot functionality.

parent 05d02e5a
......@@ -163,6 +163,16 @@ def reset_data(scenario):
world.absorb({}, 'scenario_dict')
def configure_screenshots(scenario):
Before each scenario, turn off automatic screenshots.
Args: str, scenario. Name of current scenario.
world.auto_capture_screenshots = False
def clear_data(scenario):
......@@ -184,6 +194,23 @@ def reset_databases(scenario):
def capture_screenshot(image_name):
Capture a screenshot outputting it to a defined directory.
This function expects only the name of the file. It will generate
the full path of the output screenshot.
If the name contains spaces, they ill be converted to underscores.
output_dir = '{}/log/auto_screenshots'.format(settings.TEST_ROOT)
image_name = '{}/{}.png'.format(output_dir, image_name.replace(' ', '_'))
except WebDriverException:
LOGGER.error("Could not capture a screenshot '{}'".format(image_name))
def screenshot_on_error(scenario):
......@@ -198,6 +225,47 @@ def screenshot_on_error(scenario):
LOGGER.error('Could not capture a screenshot')
def capture_screenshot_for_step(step, when):
Useful method for debugging acceptance tests that are run in Vagrant.
This method runs automatically before and after each step of an acceptance
test scenario. The variable:
either enables or disabled the taking of screenshots. To change the
variable there is a convenient step defined:
I (enable|disable) auto screenshots
If you just want to capture a single screenshot at a desired point in code,
you should use the method:
if world.auto_capture_screenshots:
scenario_num = step.scenario.feature.scenarios.index(step.scenario)
step_num = step.scenario.steps.index(step) + 1
step_func_name = step.defined_at.function.func_name
image_name = "{prefix:03d}__{num}__{name}__{postfix}".format(
def before_each_step(step):
capture_screenshot_for_step(step, 'before')
def after_each_step(step):
capture_screenshot_for_step(step, 'after')
def teardown_browser(total):
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
import time
from lettuce import world, step
from lettuce.django import django_url
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
......@@ -18,6 +20,42 @@ from logging import getLogger
logger = getLogger(__name__)
@step('I (.*) capturing of screenshots before and after each step$')
def configure_screenshots_for_all_steps(_step, action):
A step to be used in *.feature files. Enables/disables
automatic saving of screenshots before and after each step in a
if action == 'enable':
world.auto_capture_screenshots = True
elif action == 'disable':
world.auto_capture_screenshots = False
raise ValueError('Parameter `action` should be one of "enable" or "disable".')
def capture_screenshot_before_after(func):
A decorator that will take a screenshot before and after the applied
function is run. Use this if you do not want to capture screenshots
for each step in a scenario, but rather want to debug a single function.
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
prefix=round(time.time() * 1000)
prefix, func.func_name, 'before'
ret_val=func(*args, **kwargs)
prefix, func.func_name, 'after'
return ret_val
return inner
@step(u'The course "([^"]*)" exists$')
def create_course(_step, course):
......@@ -629,4 +629,3 @@ def click_on_the_caption(_step, index, expected_time):
actual_time = elapsed_time()
assert int(expected_time) == actual_time
......@@ -51,9 +51,10 @@ def run_tests(system, report_dir, test_id=nil, stop_on_failure=true)
task :clean_test_files do
desc "Clean fixture files used by tests and .pyc files"
desc "Clean fixture files used by tests, .pyc files, and automatic screenshots"
sh("git clean -fqdx test_root/logs test_root/data test_root/staticfiles test_root/uploads")
sh("find . -type f -name \"*.pyc\" -delete")
sh("rm -rf test_root/log/auto_screenshots/*")
task :clean_reports_dir => REPORT_DIR do
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