Commit 66416bc3 by Calen Pennington

Merge pull request #407 from MITx/kimth/generic-coderesponse

Kimth/generic coderesponse
parents 013ffb70 a2c93135
......@@ -32,22 +32,37 @@ class @Problem
queueing: =>
@queued_items = @$(".xqueue")
if @queued_items.length > 0
@num_queued_items = @queued_items.length
if @num_queued_items > 0
if window.queuePollerID # Only one poller 'thread' per Problem
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(@poll, 100)
queuelen = @get_queuelen()
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(@poll, queuelen*10)
# Retrieves the minimum queue length of all queued items
get_queuelen: =>
minlen = Infinity
@queued_items.each (index, qitem) ->
len = parseInt($.text(qitem))
if len < minlen
minlen = len
return minlen
poll: =>
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/problem_get", (response) =>
@queued_items = $(response.html).find(".xqueue")
if @queued_items.length == 0
# If queueing status changed, then render
@new_queued_items = $(response.html).find(".xqueue")
if @new_queued_items.length isnt @num_queued_items
@executeProblemScripts () =>
@num_queued_items = @new_queued_items.length
if @num_queued_items == 0
delete window.queuePollerID
# TODO: Dynamically adjust timeout interval based on @queued_items.value
# TODO: Some logic to dynamically adjust polling rate based on queuelen
window.queuePollerID = window.setTimeout(@poll, 1000)
render: (content) ->
......@@ -141,9 +156,16 @@ class @Problem
fd = new FormData()
# Sanity check of file size
file_too_large = false
max_filesize = 4*1000*1000 # 4 MB
@inputs.each (index, element) ->
if element.type is 'file'
if element.files[0] instanceof File
if element.files[0].size > max_filesize
file_too_large = true
alert 'Submission aborted! Your file "' + element.files[0].name + '" is too large (max size: ' + max_filesize/(1000*1000) + ' MB)'
fd.append(, element.files[0])
fd.append(, '')
......@@ -163,7 +185,8 @@ class @Problem
$.ajaxWithPrefix("#{@url}/problem_check", settings)
if not file_too_large
$.ajaxWithPrefix("#{@url}/problem_check", settings)
check: =>
Logger.log 'problem_check', @answers
......@@ -336,11 +336,17 @@ def modx_dispatch(request, dispatch=None, id=None, course_id=None):
- id -- the module id. Used to look up the XModule instance
# ''' (fix emacs broken parsing)
# Check for submitted files
# Check for submitted files and basic file size checks
p = request.POST.copy()
if request.FILES:
for inputfile_id in request.FILES.keys():
p[inputfile_id] = request.FILES[inputfile_id]
inputfile = request.FILES[inputfile_id]
if inputfile.size > settings.STUDENT_FILEUPLOAD_MAX_SIZE: # Bytes
file_too_big_msg = 'Submission aborted! Your file "%s" is too large (max size: %d MB)' %\
(, settings.STUDENT_FILEUPLOAD_MAX_SIZE/(1000**2))
return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success': file_too_big_msg}))
p[inputfile_id] = inputfile
student_module_cache = StudentModuleCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents(request.user, modulestore().get_item(id))
instance = get_module(request.user, request, id, student_module_cache)
......@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = (
'django.core.context_processors.csrf', #necessary for csrf protection
# We should have separate S3 staged URLs in case we need to make changes to
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