Commit 663671ec by chrisndodge

Merge pull request #2534 from edx/jbau/fix-non-microsite-subdomain-branding-default

fix non-microsite SUBDOMAIN_BRANDING defaults
parents 57c3bce1 f3a969a9
......@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ def get_visible_courses():
if isinstance(c, CourseDescriptor)]
courses = sorted(courses, key=lambda course: course.number)
subdomain = MicrositeConfiguration.get_microsite_configuration_value('subdomain')
subdomain = MicrositeConfiguration.get_microsite_configuration_value('subdomain', 'default')
# See if we have filtered course listings in this domain
filtered_visible_ids = None
# this is legacy format which is outside of the microsite feature
if hasattr(settings, 'COURSE_LISTINGS') and subdomain in settings.COURSE_LISTINGS:
# this is legacy format which is outside of the microsite feature -- also handle dev case, which should not filter
if hasattr(settings, 'COURSE_LISTINGS') and subdomain in settings.COURSE_LISTINGS and not settings.DEBUG:
filtered_visible_ids = frozenset(settings.COURSE_LISTINGS[subdomain])
filtered_by_org = MicrositeConfiguration.get_microsite_configuration_value('course_org_filter')
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