Commit 6564cc57 by Jay Zoldak

Fix typo with hyphen in cms lettuce feature files

parent 6298a4ce
......@@ -27,16 +27,16 @@ Feature: Advanced (manual) course policy
And I reload the page
Then the policy key value is changed
Scenario: Test how multi -line input appears
Scenario: Test how multi-line input appears
Given I am on the Advanced Course Settings page in Studio
When I create a JSON object as a value
Then it is displayed as formatted
And I reload the page
Then it is displayed as formatted
Scenario: Test automatic quoting of non -JSON values
Scenario: Test automatic quoting of non-JSON values
Given I am on the Advanced Course Settings page in Studio
When I create a non -JSON value not in quotes
When I create a non-JSON value not in quotes
Then it is displayed as a string
And I reload the page
Then it is displayed as a string
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Feature: Overview Toggle Section
Then I see the "Collapse All Sections" link
And all sections are expanded
@skip -phantom
Scenario: Collapse link is not removed after last section of a course is deleted
Given I have a course with 1 section
And I navigate to the course overview page
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