Commit 64d2514f by Daniel Friedman

Merge pull request #5528 from edx/dan-f/data-download-tech-debt

Student profile CSV background task tech debt
parents 33cfb9c7 62c46c80
......@@ -146,3 +146,19 @@ class MembershipPage(PageObject):
The first entry in the array is the title. Any further entries are the details.
return self._get_cohort_messages("errors")
def select_data_download(self):
Click on the link to the Data Download Page.
class DataDownloadPage(PageObject):
Data Download section of the Instructor dashboard.
url = None
def is_browser_on_page(self):
return self.q(css='a[data-section=data_download].active-section').present
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from .helpers import CohortTestMixin
from ..helpers import UniqueCourseTest
from ...fixtures.course import CourseFixture
from ...pages.lms.auto_auth import AutoAuthPage
from ...pages.lms.instructor_dashboard import InstructorDashboardPage
from ...pages.lms.instructor_dashboard import InstructorDashboardPage, DataDownloadPage
from import AdvancedSettingsPage
import uuid
......@@ -242,3 +242,16 @@ class CohortConfigurationTest(UniqueCourseTest, CohortTestMixin):
def test_link_to_data_download(self):
Scenario: a link is present from the cohort configuration in
the instructor dashboard to the Data Download section.
Given I have a course with a cohort defined
When I view the cohort in the LMS instructor dashboard
There is a link to take me to the Data Download section of the Instructor Dashboard.
data_download_page = DataDownloadPage(self.browser)
......@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ from instructor_task.tasks_helper import (
from bulk_email.tasks import perform_delegate_email_batches
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def calculate_grades_csv(entry_id, xmodule_instance_args):
# Translators: This is a past-tense verb that is inserted into task progress messages as {action}.
action_name = ugettext_noop('graded')
task_fn = partial(push_grades_to_s3, xmodule_instance_args)
task_fn = partial(upload_grades_csv, xmodule_instance_args)
return run_main_task(entry_id, task_fn, action_name)
......@@ -151,5 +151,5 @@ def calculate_students_features_csv(entry_id, xmodule_instance_args):
# Translators: This is a past-tense verb that is inserted into task progress messages as {action}.
action_name = ugettext_noop('generated')
task_fn = partial(push_students_csv_to_s3, xmodule_instance_args)
task_fn = partial(upload_students_csv, xmodule_instance_args)
return run_main_task(entry_id, task_fn, action_name)
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory
from student.tests.factories import CourseEnrollmentFactory, UserFactory
from instructor_task.models import ReportStore
from instructor_task.tasks_helper import push_grades_to_s3, push_students_csv_to_s3, UPDATE_STATUS_SUCCEEDED
from instructor_task.tasks_helper import upload_grades_csv, upload_students_csv
class TestReport(ModuleStoreTestCase):
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class TestReport(ModuleStoreTestCase):
def create_student(self, username, email):
student = UserFactory.create(username=username, email=email)
return student
......@@ -55,9 +56,26 @@ class TestInstructorGradeReport(TestReport):
self.current_task.update_state = Mock()
with patch('instructor_task.tasks_helper._get_current_task') as mock_current_task:
mock_current_task.return_value = self.current_task
result = push_grades_to_s3(None, None,, None, 'graded')
#This assertion simply confirms that the generation completed with no errors
self.assertEquals(result['succeeded'], result['attempted'])
result = upload_grades_csv(None, None,, None, 'graded')
num_students = len(emails)
self.assertDictContainsSubset({'attempted': num_students, 'succeeded': num_students, 'failed': 0}, result)
def test_grading_failure(self, mock_iterate_grades_for, _mock_current_task):
Test that any grading errors are properly reported in the
progress dict and uploaded to the report store.
# mock an error response from `iterate_grades_for`
mock_iterate_grades_for.return_value = [
(self.create_student('username', ''), {}, 'Cannot grade student')
result = upload_grades_csv(None, None,, None, 'graded')
self.assertDictContainsSubset({'attempted': 1, 'succeeded': 0, 'failed': 1}, result)
report_store = ReportStore.from_config()
self.assertTrue(any('grade_report_err' in item[0] for item in report_store.links_for(
......@@ -66,14 +84,15 @@ class TestStudentReport(TestReport):
Tests that CSV student profile report generation works.
def test_success(self):
self.create_student('student', '')
task_input = {'features': []}
with patch('instructor_task.tasks_helper._get_current_task'):
result = push_students_csv_to_s3(None, None,, task_input, 'calculated')
result = upload_students_csv(None, None,, task_input, 'calculated')
report_store = ReportStore.from_config()
links = report_store.links_for(
self.assertEquals(len(links), 1)
self.assertEquals(result, UPDATE_STATUS_SUCCEEDED)
self.assertDictContainsSubset({'attempted': 1, 'succeeded': 1, 'failed': 0}, result)[u'student', u'student\xec'])
def test_unicode_usernames(self, students):
......@@ -95,6 +114,7 @@ class TestStudentReport(TestReport):
with patch('instructor_task.tasks_helper._get_current_task') as mock_current_task:
mock_current_task.return_value = self.current_task
result = push_students_csv_to_s3(None, None,, task_input, 'calculated')
result = upload_students_csv(None, None,, task_input, 'calculated')
#This assertion simply confirms that the generation completed with no errors
self.assertEquals(result, UPDATE_STATUS_SUCCEEDED)
num_students = len(students)
self.assertDictContainsSubset({'attempted': num_students, 'succeeded': num_students, 'failed': 0}, result)
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class ReportDownloads
@$report_downloads_table = @$section.find ".report-downloads-table"
POLL_INTERVAL = 1000 * 60 * 5 # 5 minutes in ms
POLL_INTERVAL = 20000 # 20 seconds, just like the "pending instructor tasks" table
@downloads_poller = new window.InstructorDashboard.util.IntervalManager(
POLL_INTERVAL, => @reload_report_downloads()
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