Commit 6472051a by David Baumgold

Increased the awesomeness of the textbook filler page by a factor of 12.8

parent 3d61c629
......@@ -10,12 +10,28 @@
<small class="subtitle">Course Content</small>
<span class="sr">&gt; </span>Textbooks
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I'm a stub!
Textbooks are happy. Textbooks are cool. This is the filler text
explaining why you should use a feature as happy and as cool as textbooks.
If you use textbooks, you will make friends and influence people. You will
lose weight and people will compliment you on your appearance. Children
around the world will sing praises to your name, and celebrities will
recongize you as a totally hip and groovy person. If you don't use textbooks,
your life will be forever incomplete, and you will die alone and unloved.
Make the right choice. Upload your first textbook now.
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