Unverified Commit 64584771 by Matt Drayer Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #16403 from edx/mattdrayer/ENT-686

mattdrayer/ENT-686: Log SuccessFactors error response headers
parents 6939a581 e9625aa7
......@@ -310,14 +310,16 @@ class SapSuccessFactorsIdentityProvider(EdXSAMLIdentityProvider):
sys_msg = err.response.json() if err.response else "Not available"
log_msg_template = (
'Unable to retrieve user details with username {username} from SAPSuccessFactors for company ' +
'ID {company} with url "{url}". Error message: {err_msg}. System message: {sys_msg}.'
'ID {company} with url "{url}". Error message: {err_msg}. System message: {sys_msg}. ' +
'Headers: {headers}'
log_msg = log_msg_template.format(
log.warning(log_msg, exc_info=True)
return details
......@@ -327,6 +327,8 @@ class SuccessFactorsIntegrationTest(SamlIntegrationTestUtilities, IntegrationTes
Return a 500 error when someone tries to call the URL.
headers['CorrelationId'] = 'aefd38b7-c92c-445a-8c7a-487a3f0c7a9d'
headers['RequestNo'] = '[787177]' # This is the format SAPSF returns for the transaction request number
return 500, headers, 'Failure!'
fields = ','.join(SapSuccessFactorsIdentityProvider.default_field_mapping.copy())
......@@ -516,16 +518,14 @@ class SuccessFactorsIntegrationTest(SamlIntegrationTestUtilities, IntegrationTes
with LogCapture(level=logging.WARNING) as log_capture:
super(SuccessFactorsIntegrationTest, self).test_register()
expected_message = 'Unable to retrieve user details with username {username} from SAPSuccessFactors ' \
'for company ID {company_id} with url "{odata_api_url}". Error message: ' \
'500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: {odata_api_url}. System message: ' \
'Not available.'.format(
logging_messages = [log_msg.getMessage() for log_msg in log_capture.records]
self.assertTrue(expected_message in logging_messages)
logging_messages = str([log_msg.getMessage() for log_msg in log_capture.records]).replace('\\', '')
self.assertIn(odata_company_id, logging_messages)
self.assertIn(mocked_odata_ai_url, logging_messages)
self.assertIn(self.USER_USERNAME, logging_messages)
self.assertIn("SAPSuccessFactors", logging_messages)
self.assertIn("Error message", logging_messages)
self.assertIn("System message", logging_messages)
self.assertIn("Headers", logging_messages)
@skip('Test not necessary for this subclass')
def test_get_saml_idp_class_with_fake_identifier(self):
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