Commit 6418175a by Adam

Merge pull request #1251 from edx/adam/remove-instr-dash-buttons

re-enable some buttons on instr dash
parents 3af6b90b c6439942
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ function goto( mode)
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Download CSV of answer distributions" class="${'is-disabled' if disable_buttons else ''}">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Dump description of graded assignments configuration" class="${'is-disabled' if disable_buttons else ''}">
<input type="submit" name="action" value="Dump description of graded assignments configuration">
<hr width="40%" style="align:left">
......@@ -3,25 +3,9 @@
<h2>${_("Data Download")}</h2>
% if disable_buttons:
<div class="msg msg-warning">
<div class="copy">
${_("Note: some of these buttons are known to time out for larger "
"courses. We have temporarily disabled those features for courses "
"with more than {max_enrollment} students. We are urgently working on "
"fixing this issue. Thank you for your patience as we continue "
"working to improve the platform!").format(
% endif
<input type="button" name="list-profiles" value="${_("List enrolled students with profile information")}" data-endpoint="${ section_data['get_students_features_url'] }" class="${'is-disabled' if disable_buttons else ''}">
<input type="button" name="list-profiles" value="CSV" data-csv="true" class="csv ${'is-disabled' if disable_buttons else ''}" data-endpoint="${ section_data['get_students_features_url'] }" >
<input type="button" name="list-profiles" value="${_("List enrolled students with profile information")}" data-endpoint="${ section_data['get_students_features_url'] }">
<input type="button" name="list-profiles" value="CSV" data-csv="true">
## <input type="button" name="list-grades" value="Student grades">
## <input type="button" name="list-profiles" value="CSV" data-csv="true" class="csv">
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