<%= gettext("Upload a comma separated values (.csv) file that contains the usernames or email addresses of learners who have been given exceptions. Include the username or email address in the first comma separated field. You can include an optional note describing the reason for the exception in the second comma separated field.") %>
<%- gettext("Upload a comma separated values (.csv) file that contains the usernames or email addresses of learners who have been given exceptions. Include the username or email address in the first comma separated field. You can include an optional note describing the reason for the exception in the second comma separated field.") %>
CertificateWhitelistFactory('${certificate_white_list | n, dump_js_escaped_json}', '${generate_certificate_exceptions_url | n, js_escaped_string}', '${certificate_exception_view_url | n, js_escaped_string}', '${generate_bulk_certificate_exceptions_url | n, js_escaped_string}');
CertificateInvalidationFactory('${certificate_invalidations | n, dump_js_escaped_json}', '${certificate_invalidation_view_url | n, js_escaped_string}');