Commit 6266dcf1 by Chris

Merge pull request #6820 from edx/clrux/forums-assign-regions

Assign regions/landmarks for easier navigation
parents 3b6af2df 66f909cd
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ if Backbone?
if @showed
@toggleDiscussionBtn.find('.button-text').html(gettext("Hide Discussion"))
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ if Backbone?
if @isWaitingOnNewPost
addThread: (thread, collection, options) =>
# TODO: When doing pagination, this will need to repaginate. Perhaps just reload page 1?
......@@ -79,13 +79,12 @@ if Backbone?
duration: 200
complete: =>
hideNewPost: =>
duration: 200
complete: =>
......@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ if Backbone?
@trigger "thread:responses:rendered"
@loadedResponses = true
$(".thread-wrapper").focus() # Sends focus to the conversation once the thread finishes loading
error: (xhr, textStatus) =>
return if textStatus == 'abort'
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
## common/static/coffee/spec/ is changed and regenerated, whenever this one changes.
<script aria-hidden="true" type="text/template" id="thread-template">
<article class="discussion-article" data-id="${'<%- id %>'}">
<div class="thread-wrapper">
<div class="thread-wrapper" tabindex="-1">
<div class="forum-thread-main-wrapper">
<div class="thread-content-wrapper"></div>
<div class="post-extended-content">
......@@ -392,13 +392,13 @@
<span class="field-label-text">
## Translators: This labels the selector for which group of students can view a post
${_("Visible To:")}
</span><select class="field-input js-group-select" name="group_id" ${'<% if (!is_commentable_cohorted) { %>'}disabled${'<% } %>'}>
</span><select aria-describedby="field_help_visible_to" class="field-input js-group-select" name="group_id" ${'<% if (!is_commentable_cohorted) { %>'}disabled${'<% } %>'}>
<option value="">${_("All Groups")}</option>
${'<% _.each(cohort_options, function(opt) { %>'}
<option value="${'<%= opt.value %>'}" ${'<% if (opt.selected) { %>selected<% } %>'}>${'<%- opt.text %>'}</option>
${'<% }); %>'}
</label><div class="field-help">
</label><div class="field-help" id="field_help_visible_to">
${_("Discussion admins, moderators, and TAs can make their posts visible to all students or specify a single cohort.")}
......@@ -406,8 +406,8 @@
<div class="post-field">
<label class="field-label">
<span class="sr">${_("Title:")}</span>
<input type="text" class="field-input js-post-title" name="title" placeholder="${_('Title')}">
</label><span class="field-help">
<input aria-describedby="field_help_title" type="text" class="field-input js-post-title" name="title" placeholder="${_('Title')}">
</label><span class="field-help" id="field_help_title">
${_("Add a clear and descriptive title to encourage participation.")}
......@@ -444,21 +444,21 @@
## Translators: This is the label for a control to
## select a forum post type
${_("Post type:")}
</span><fieldset class="field-input">
<input type="radio" name="${"<%= form_id %>"}-post-type" class="post-type-input" id="${"<%= form_id %>"}-post-type-question" value="question">
</span><fieldset class="field-input"><legend class="sr">${_("Post type:")}</legend>
<input aria-describedby="field_help_post_type" type="radio" name="${"<%= form_id %>"}-post-type" class="post-type-input" id="${"<%= form_id %>"}-post-type-question" value="question">
<label for="${"<%= form_id %>"}-post-type-question" class="post-type-label">
<i class="icon fa fa-question"></i>
## Translators: This is a forum post type
<input type="radio" name="${"<%= form_id %>"}-post-type" class="post-type-input" id="${"<%= form_id %>"}-post-type-discussion" value="discussion" checked>
<input aria-describedby="field_help_post_type" type="radio" name="${"<%= form_id %>"}-post-type" class="post-type-input" id="${"<%= form_id %>"}-post-type-discussion" value="discussion" checked>
<label for="${"<%= form_id %>"}-post-type-discussion" class="post-type-label">
<i class="icon fa fa-comments"></i>
## Translators: This is a forum post type
</div><span class="field-help">
</div><span class="field-help" id="field_help_post_type">
${_("Questions raise issues that need answers. Discussions share ideas and start conversations.")}
......@@ -489,12 +489,12 @@
<div class="topic-menu-wrapper">
<label class="topic-filter-label">
<span class="sr">${_("Filter topics")}</span>
<input type="text" class="topic-filter-input" placeholder="${_('Filter topics')}">
<input aria-describedby="field_help_topic_area" type="text" class="topic-filter-input" placeholder="${_('Filter topics')}">
<ul class="topic-menu" role="menu">${'<%= topics_html %>'}</ul>
</div><span class="field-help">
</div><span class="field-help" id="field_help_topic_area">
${_("Add your post to a relevant topic to help others find it.")}
......@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
<div class="discussion-body">
<div class="forum-nav"></div>
<div class="discussion-column">
<article class="new-post-article" style="display: none"></article>
<div class="forum-nav" role="complementary" aria-label="Discussion thread list"></div>
<div class="discussion-column" role="main" aria-label="Discussion" id="discussion-column">
<article class="new-post-article" style="display: none" tabindex="-1" aria-label="New topic form"></article>
<div class="forum-content"></div>
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