Commit 61ecae98 by Will Daly

Add management command to create the email opt-in list.

parent aac3cc25
"""Generate a list indicating whether users have opted in or out of receiving email from an org.
Email opt-in is stored as an org-level preference.
When reports are generated, we need to handle:
1) Org aliases: some organizations might have multiple course key "org" values.
We choose the most recently set preference among all org aliases.
Since this information isn't stored anywhere in edx-platform,
the caller needs to pass in the list of orgs and aliases.
2) No preference set: Some users may not have an opt-in preference set
if they enrolled before the preference was introduced.
These users are opted in by default.
3) Restricting to a subset of courses in an org: Some orgs have courses
that we don't want to include in the results (e.g. EdX-created test courses).
Allow the caller to explicitly specify the list of courses in the org.
The command will always use the read replica database if one is configured.
import os.path
import csv
import time
import contextlib
import logging
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import connections
from opaque_keys.edx.keys import CourseKey
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Command(BaseCommand):
"""Generate a list of email opt-in values for user enrollments. """
help = "Generate a list of email opt-in values for user enrollments."
# Fields output in the CSV
# Number of records to read at a time when making
# multiple queries over a potentially large dataset.
def handle(self, *args, **options):
"""Execute the command.
file_path (str): Path to the output file.
*org_list (unicode): List of organization aliases.
Keyword Arguments:
courses (unicode): Comma-separated list of course keys. If provided,
include only these courses in the results.
file_path, org_list = self._parse_args(args)
# Retrieve all the courses for the org.
# If we were given a specific list of courses to include,
# filter out anything not in that list.
courses = self._get_courses_for_org(org_list)
only_courses = options.get("courses")
if only_courses is not None:
only_courses = [
for course_key in only_courses.split(",")
courses = list(set(courses) & set(only_courses))
# Add in organizations from the course keys, to ensure
# we're including orgs with different capitalizations
org_list = list(set(org_list) | set( for course in courses))
# If no courses are found, abort
if not courses:
raise CommandError(
u"No courses found for orgs: {orgs}".format(
orgs=", ".join(org_list)
# Let the user know what's about to happen
u"Retrieving data for courses: {courses}".format(
courses=", ".join([unicode(course) for course in courses])
# Open the output file and generate the report.
with open(file_path, "w") as file_handle:
with self._log_execution_time():
self._write_email_opt_in_prefs(file_handle, org_list, courses)
# Remind the user where the output file is"Output file: {file_path}".format(file_path=file_path))
def _parse_args(self, args):
"""Check and parse arguments.
Validates that the right number of args were provided
and that the output file doesn't already exist.
args (list): List of arguments given at the command line.
Tuple of (file_path, org_list)
if len(args) < 2:
raise CommandError(u"Usage: {args}".format(args=self.args))
file_path = args[0]
org_list = args[1:]
if os.path.exists(file_path):
raise CommandError("File already exists at '{path}'".format(path=file_path))
return file_path, org_list
def _get_courses_for_org(self, org_aliases):
"""Retrieve all course keys for a particular org.
org_aliases (list): List of aliases for the org.
List of `CourseKey`s
all_courses = modulestore().get_courses()
orgs_lowercase = [org.lower() for org in org_aliases]
return [
for course in all_courses
if in orgs_lowercase
def _log_execution_time(self):
"""Context manager for measuring execution time. """
start_time = time.time()
execution_time = time.time() - start_time"Execution time: {time} seconds".format(time=execution_time))
def _write_email_opt_in_prefs(self, file_handle, org_aliases, courses):
"""Write email opt-in preferences to the output file.
This will generate a CSV with one row for each enrollment.
This means that the user's "opt in" preference will be specified
multiple times if the user has enrolled in multiple courses
within the org. However, the values should always be the same:
if the user is listed as "opted out" for course A, she will
also be listed as "opted out" for courses B, C, and D.
file_handle (file): Handle to the output file.
org_aliases (list): List of aliases for the org.
courses (list): List of course keys in the org.
writer = csv.DictWriter(file_handle, fieldnames=self.OUTPUT_FIELD_NAMES)
cursor = self._db_cursor()
query = (
user.`email` AS `email`,
profile.`name` AS `full_name`,
enrollment.`course_id` AS `course_id`,
SELECT value
FROM user_api_userorgtag
WHERE org IN ( {org_list} )
AND `key`=\"email-optin\"
AND `user_id`=user.`id`
ORDER BY modified DESC
) AS `is_opted_in_for_email`,
SELECT modified
FROM user_api_userorgtag
WHERE org IN ( {org_list} )
AND `key`=\"email-optin\"
AND `user_id`=user.`id`
ORDER BY modified DESC
) AS `preference_set_date`
student_courseenrollment AS enrollment
LEFT JOIN auth_user AS user ON
LEFT JOIN auth_userprofile AS profile ON
WHERE enrollment.course_id IN ( {course_id_list} )
row_count = 0
for row in self._iterate_results(cursor):
email, full_name, course_id, is_opted_in, pref_set_date = row
"email": email.encode('utf-8'),
"full_name": full_name.encode('utf-8'),
"course_id": course_id.encode('utf-8'),
"is_opted_in_for_email": is_opted_in if is_opted_in else "True",
"preference_set_date": pref_set_date,
row_count += 1
# Log the number of rows we processed"Retrieved {num_rows} records.".format(num_rows=row_count))
def _iterate_results(self, cursor):
"""Iterate through the results of a database query, fetching in chunks.
cursor: The database cursor
tuple of row values from the query
while True:
rows = cursor.fetchmany(self.QUERY_INTERVAL)
if not rows:
for row in rows:
yield row
def _sql_list(self, values):
"""Serialize a list of values for including in a SQL "IN" statement. """
return u",".join([u'"{}"'.format(val) for val in values])
def _db_cursor(self):
"""Return a database cursor to the read replica if one is available. """
# Use the read replica if one has been configured
db_alias = (
if 'read_replica' in settings.DATABASES
else 'default'
return connections[db_alias].cursor()
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