Commit 61e621fc by Calen Pennington

Merge pull request #3812 from cpennington/ok-simpler-loc-mapper

Make the arguments to translate_location_to_course_locator more specific
parents 3b58997b 48362529
......@@ -312,14 +312,11 @@ class LocMapperStore(object):
Used when you only need the CourseLocator and not a full BlockUsageLocator. Probably only
useful for get_items which wildcards name or category.
:param course_key: a CourseKey or a UsageKey
:param course_key: a CourseKey
:param published: a boolean representing whether or not we should return the published or draft version
Returns a Courselocator
if isinstance(course_key, UsageKey):
course_key = course_key.course_key
cached = self._get_course_locator_from_cache(course_key, published)
if cached:
return cached
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