Commit 6130189b by polesye

Fix slider and pause bugs.

parent 389beedc
......@@ -210,11 +210,11 @@ function () {
// Attach a 'click' event on the <video> element. It will cause the video to pause/play.
this.videoEl.on('click', function (event) {
if (_this.playerState === HTML5Video.PlayerState.PAUSED) {;
_this.playerState = HTML5Video.PlayerState.PLAYING;
} else if (_this.playerState === HTML5Video.PlayerState.PLAYING) {;
_this.playerState = HTML5Video.PlayerState.PAUSED;
......@@ -270,19 +270,6 @@ function () {
}, false);
// Register the 'timeupdate' event. This is the place where we control when the video ends.
// If an ending time was specified, then after the video plays through to this spot, pauses, we
// must make sure to update the ending time to the end of the video. This way, the user can watch
// any parts of it afterwards.'timeupdate', function (data) {
if (_this.end < {
// When we call video.pause(), a 'pause' event will be formed, and we will catch it
// in another handler (see above).;
_this.end =;
}, false);
// Place the <video> element on the page.
this.videoEl.appendTo(this.el.find('.video-player div'));
......@@ -181,13 +181,16 @@ function () {
// Changed for tests -- JM: Check if it is the cause of Chrome Bug Valera
// noticed
function updatePlayTime(params) {
var time = Math.floor(params.time),
duration = Math.floor(params.duration);
if (
(this.videoProgressSlider.slider) &&
) {
.slider('option', 'max', params.duration)
.slider('option', 'value', params.time);
.slider('option', 'max', duration)
.slider('option', 'value', time);
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