Commit 6122f9c9 by Jesse Zoldak

Revert "Better i18n for credit card charge failures"

This reverts commit 619a5ea3.
parent 619a5ea3
......@@ -241,22 +241,23 @@ def get_processor_decline_html(params):
# see if we have an override in the microsites
payment_support_email = microsite.get_value('payment_support_email', settings.PAYMENT_SUPPORT_EMAIL)
msg = _(
"Sorry! Our payment processor did not accept your payment. "
"The decision they returned was {decision_text}, "
"and the reason was {reason_text}. "
"You were not charged. "
"Please try a different form of payment. "
"Contact us with payment-related questions at {email}."
formatted = msg.format(
decision_text='<span class="decision">{}</span>'.format(params['decision']),
reason_text='<span class="reason">{code}:{msg}</span>'.format(
code=params['reasonCode'], msg=REASONCODE_MAP[params['reasonCode']],
return '<p class="error_msg">{}</p>'.format(formatted)
msg = dedent(_(
<p class="error_msg">
Sorry! Our payment processor did not accept your payment.
The decision they returned was <span class="decision">{decision}</span>,
and the reason was <span class="reason">{reason_code}:{reason_msg}</span>.
You were not charged. Please try a different form of payment.
Contact us with payment-related questions at {email}.
return msg.format(
def get_processor_exception_html(exception):
......@@ -265,55 +266,41 @@ def get_processor_exception_html(exception):
# see if we have an override in the microsites
payment_support_email = microsite.get_value('payment_support_email', settings.PAYMENT_SUPPORT_EMAIL)
if isinstance(exception, CCProcessorDataException):
msg = _(
"Sorry! Our payment processor sent us back a payment confirmation "
"that had inconsistent data!"
"We apologize that we cannot verify whether the charge went through "
"and take further action on your order."
"The specific error message is: {error_message}. "
"Your credit card may possibly have been charged. "
"Contact us with payment-specific questions at {email}."
formatted = msg.format(
error_message='<span class="exception_msg">{msg}</span>'.format(
return '<p class="error_msg">{}</p>'.format(formatted)
msg = dedent(_(
<p class="error_msg">
Sorry! Our payment processor sent us back a payment confirmation that had inconsistent data!
We apologize that we cannot verify whether the charge went through and take further action on your order.
The specific error message is: <span class="exception_msg">{msg}</span>.
Your credit card may possibly have been charged. Contact us with payment-specific questions at {email}.
""".format(msg=exception.message, email=payment_support_email)
return msg
elif isinstance(exception, CCProcessorWrongAmountException):
msg = _(
"Sorry! Due to an error your purchase was charged for "
"a different amount than the order total! "
"The specific error message is: {error_message}. "
"Your credit card has probably been charged. "
"Contact us with payment-specific questions at {email}."
formatted = msg.format(
error_message='<span class="exception_msg">{msg}</span>'.format(
return '<p class="error_msg">{}</p>'.format(formatted)
msg = dedent(_(
<p class="error_msg">
Sorry! Due to an error your purchase was charged for a different amount than the order total!
The specific error message is: <span class="exception_msg">{msg}</span>.
Your credit card has probably been charged. Contact us with payment-specific questions at {email}.
""".format(msg=exception.message, email=payment_support_email)
return msg
elif isinstance(exception, CCProcessorSignatureException):
msg = _(
"Sorry! Our payment processor sent us back a corrupted message "
"regarding your charge, so we are unable to validate that "
"the message actually came from the payment processor. "
"The specific error message is: {error_message}. "
"We apologize that we cannot verify whether the charge went through "
"and take further action on your order. "
"Your credit card may possibly have been charged. "
"Contact us with payment-specific questions at {email}."
formatted = msg.format(
error_message='<span class="exception_msg">{msg}</span>'.format(
return '<p class="exception_msg">{}</p>'.format(formatted)
msg = dedent(_(
<p class="error_msg">
Sorry! Our payment processor sent us back a corrupted message regarding your charge, so we are
unable to validate that the message actually came from the payment processor.
The specific error message is: <span class="exception_msg">{msg}</span>.
We apologize that we cannot verify whether the charge went through and take further action on your order.
Your credit card may possibly have been charged. Contact us with payment-specific questions at {email}.
""".format(msg=exception.message, email=payment_support_email)
return msg
# fallthrough case, which basically never happens
return '<p class="error_msg">EXCEPTION!</p>'
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