Commit 60bbfc5a by Calen Pennington

Add @contract to _load_item

parent 9e7404cd
......@@ -400,6 +400,9 @@ class CachingDescriptorSystem(MakoDescriptorSystem, EditInfoRuntimeMixin):
return []
new_contract('CachingDescriptorSystem', CachingDescriptorSystem)
# The only thing using this w/ wildcards is contentstore.mongo for asset retrieval
def location_to_query(location, wildcard=True, tag='i4x'):
......@@ -852,13 +855,21 @@ class MongoModuleStore(ModuleStoreDraftAndPublished, ModuleStoreWriteBase, Mongo
return data
def _load_item(self, course_key, item, data_cache, apply_cached_metadata=True, using_descriptor_system=None):
Load an XModuleDescriptor from item, using the children stored in data_cache
course_key (CourseKey): which course to load from
item (UsageKey): which xblock to load
item (dict): A dictionary with the following keys:
location: The serialized UsageKey for the item to load
data_dir (optional): The directory name to use as the root data directory for this XModule
data_cache (dict): A dictionary mapping from UsageKeys to xblock field data
(this is the xblock data loaded from the database)
apply_cached_metadata (bool): Whether to use the cached metadata for inheritance
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