Commit 60b73b48 by Matt Drayer

Merge pull request #8361 from edx/asadiqbal08/SOL-946

parents dc5f6503 815e4080
......@@ -18,10 +18,15 @@ function (_, str, Backbone, BackboneRelational, BackboneAssociations, gettext, C
var Certificate = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
idAttribute: "id",
defaults: {
// Metadata fields currently displayed in web forms
course_title: '',
org_logo_path: '',
// Metadata fields not currently displayed in web forms
name: 'Name of the certificate',
description: 'Description of the certificate',
course_title: 'Title of the course',
org_logo_path: '',
// Internal-use only, not displayed in web forms
version: 1,
is_active: false
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