Commit 5fcdafd0 by Sarina Canelake

Add i18n regression tests (LOC-72, LOC-85)

parent 34b2c917
......@@ -4,37 +4,59 @@ Tests i18n in courseware
import re
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.test import TestCase
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from dark_lang.models import DarkLangConfig
@override_settings(LANGUAGES=[('eo', 'Esperanto'), ('ar', 'Arabic')])
class I18nTestCase(TestCase):
class BaseI18nTestCase(TestCase):
Tests for i18n
Base utilities for i18n test classes to derive from
def assert_tag_has_attr(self, content, tag, attname, value):
"""Assert that a tag in `content` has a certain value in a certain attribute."""
regex = r"""<{tag} [^>]*\b{attname}=['"]([\w\d ]+)['"][^>]*>""".format(tag=tag, attname=attname)
regex = r"""<{tag} [^>]*\b{attname}=['"]([\w\d\- ]+)['"][^>]*>""".format(tag=tag, attname=attname)
match =, content)
self.assertTrue(match, "Couldn't find desired tag in %r" % content)
self.assertTrue(match, "Couldn't find desired tag '%s' with attr '%s' in %r" % (tag, attname, content))
attvalues =
self.assertIn(value, attvalues)
def release_languages(self, languages):
Release a set of languages using the dark lang interface.
languages is a list of comma-separated lang codes, eg, 'ar, es-419'
user = User()
class I18nTestCase(BaseI18nTestCase):
Tests for i18n
def test_default_is_en(self):
response = self.client.get('/')
self.assert_tag_has_attr(response.content, "html", "lang", "en")
self.assertEqual(response['Content-Language'], 'en')
self.assert_tag_has_attr(response.content, "body", "class", "lang_en")
def test_esperanto(self):
self.release_languages('fr, eo')
response = self.client.get('/', HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE='eo')
self.assert_tag_has_attr(response.content, "html", "lang", "eo")
self.assertEqual(response['Content-Language'], 'eo')
self.assert_tag_has_attr(response.content, "body", "class", "lang_eo")
def test_switching_languages_bidi(self):
self.release_languages('ar, eo')
response = self.client.get('/')
self.assert_tag_has_attr(response.content, "html", "lang", "en")
self.assertEqual(response['Content-Language'], 'en')
......@@ -46,3 +68,26 @@ class I18nTestCase(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(response['Content-Language'], 'ar')
self.assert_tag_has_attr(response.content, "body", "class", "lang_ar")
self.assert_tag_has_attr(response.content, "body", "class", "rtl")
class I18nRegressionTests(BaseI18nTestCase):
Tests for i18n
def test_es419_acceptance(self):
# Regression test; LOC-72, and an issue with Django
response = self.client.get('/', HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE='es-419')
self.assert_tag_has_attr(response.content, "html", "lang", "es-419")
def test_unreleased_lang_resolution(self):
# Regression test; LOC-85
# We've released 'fa', AND we have language files for 'fa-ir' but
# we want to keep 'fa-ir' as a dark language. Requesting 'fa-ir'
# in the http request (NOT with the ?preview-lang query param) should
# receive files for 'fa'
response = self.client.get('/', HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE='fa-ir')
self.assert_tag_has_attr(response.content, "html", "lang", "fa")
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