Commit 5f528ddd by Christine Lytwynec

Merge pull request #10244 from edx/clytwynec/update-testing-docs

update testing.rst
parents 62633560 b887280a
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Test Locations
- Lettuce Tests: located in ``features`` subpackage within a Django
app. For example: ``lms/djangoapps/courseware/features``
- Bok Choy Acceptance Tests: located under ``common/test/acceptance/tests``
- Bok Choy Accessibility Tests: located under ``common/test/acceptance/accessibility``
- Bok Choy Accessibility Tests: located under ``common/test/acceptance/tests`` and tagged with ``@attr("a11y")``
- Bok Choy PageObjects: located under ``common/test/acceptance/pages``
......@@ -290,13 +290,13 @@ To run JavaScript tests in a browser:
paver test_js_dev -s xmodule
paver test_js_dev -s common
paver test_js_dev -s common-requirejs
To debug these tests on devstack in a local browser:
* first run the appropriate test_js_dev command from above which will open a browser using XQuartz
* open the same URL in your browser but change the IP address to, e.g.
* this will run all the tests and show you the results including details of any failures
* this will run all the tests and show you the results including details of any failures
* you can click on an individually failing test and/or suite to re-run it by itself
* you can now use the browser's developer tools to debug as you would any other JavaScript code
......@@ -389,9 +389,10 @@ Bok Choy, a UI-level acceptance test framework for writing robust
`Selenium <>`__
tests in `Python <>`__, includes the ability to perform
accessibility audits on web pages using `Google Accessibility Developer Tools
<>`__. For more
details about how to write accessibility tests, please read the `Bok
Choy documentation <>`__
<>`__ or
`Deque's aXe Core <>`__.
For more details about how to write accessibility tests, please read
the `Bok Choy documentation <>`__
and the Automated Accessibility Tests `openedx Confluence page
......@@ -400,8 +401,6 @@ and the Automated Accessibility Tests `openedx Confluence page
These prerequisites are all automatically installed and available in `Devstack
<>`__ (since the Cypress release), the supported development enviornment for the edX Platform.
* PhantomJS
* Mongo
* Memcache
......@@ -410,12 +409,12 @@ These prerequisites are all automatically installed and available in `Devstack
To run all the bok choy accessibility tests::
SELENIUM_BROWSER=phantomjs paver test_bokchoy -d accessibility
paver test_bokchoy --extra_args="-a 'a11y'"
To run specific tests, use the ``-t`` flag to specify a nose-style test spec
relative to the ``common/test/acceptance/accessibility`` directory::
relative to the ``common/test/acceptance/tests`` directory::
SELENIUM_BROWSER=phantomjs paver test_bokchoy -d accessibility -t
paver test_bokchoy --extra_args="-a 'a11y'" -t
Running Lettuce Acceptance Tests
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