Commit 5e812472 by Carlos Andrés Rocha

Added licenses view helper functions.

parent e31ff849
import logging
from itertools import groupby
from collections import Iterable
from django.db.models import Q
from models import CourseSoftware, UserLicense
log = logging.getLogger("mitx.licenses")
def get_or_create_courses_licenses(user, courses):
user_licenses = get_courses_licenses(user, courses)
for software, license in user_licenses.iteritems():
if license is None:
user_licenses[software] = get_or_create_user_license(user, software)
return user_licenses
def get_courses_licenses(user, courses):
course_ids = set( for course in courses)
all_software = CourseSoftware.objects.filter(course_id__in=course_ids)
user_licenses = dict.fromkeys(all_software, None)
assigned_licenses = UserLicense.objects.filter(software__in=all_software, user=user)
assigned_by_software = { for lic in assigned_licenses}
for software, license in assigned_by_software.iteritems():
user_licenses[software] = license
return user_licenses
def get_or_create_user_license(user, software):
license = None
# Find a licenses associated with the user or with no user
# associated.
query = (Q(user__isnull=True) | Q(user=user)) & Q(software=software)
# TODO fix a race condition in this code when more than one
# user is getting a license assigned
license = UserLicense.objects.filter(query)[0]
if license.user is not user:
license.user = user
except IndexError:
# TODO look if someone has unenrolled from the class and already has a serial number
log.error('No serial numbers available for {0}', software)
return license
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