Commit 5e39ff65 by Jay Zoldak

Merge pull request #1463 from edx/zoldak/fix-tests

Improve problems acceptance tests
parents 031f3074 45f87b30
......@@ -126,11 +126,10 @@ Feature: LMS.Answer problems
Scenario: I can view and hide the answer if the problem has it:
Given I am viewing a "numerical" that shows the answer "always"
When I press the button with the label "Show Answer(s)"
Then the button with the label "Hide Answer(s)" does appear
And the button with the label "Show Answer(s)" does not appear
Then the Show/Hide button label is "Hide Answer(s)"
And I should see "4.14159" somewhere in the page
When I press the button with the label "Hide Answer(s)"
Then the button with the label "Show Answer(s)" does appear
Then the Show/Hide button label is "Show Answer(s)"
And I should not see "4.14159" anywhere on the page
Scenario: I can see my score on a problem when I answer it and after I reset it
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from lettuce import world, step
from lettuce.django import django_url
from common import i_am_registered_for_the_course
from problems_setup import PROBLEM_DICT, answer_problem, problem_has_answer, add_problem_to_course
from import assert_equal
@step(u'I am viewing a "([^"]*)" problem with "([^"]*)" attempt')
......@@ -138,23 +139,28 @@ def press_the_button_with_label(_step, buttonname):
@step(u'The "([^"]*)" button does( not)? appear')
def action_button_present(_step, buttonname, doesnt_appear):
button_css = 'section.action input[value*="%s"]' % buttonname
if doesnt_appear:
if bool(doesnt_appear):
assert world.is_css_not_present(button_css)
assert world.is_css_present(button_css)
@step(u'the button with the label "([^"]*)" does( not)? appear')
def button_with_label_present(_step, buttonname, doesnt_appear):
if doesnt_appear:
assert world.browser.is_text_not_present(buttonname, wait_time=5)
assert world.browser.is_text_present(buttonname, wait_time=5)
@step(u'the Show/Hide button label is "([^"]*)"$')
def show_hide_label_is(_step, label_name):
# The label text is changed by static/xmodule_js/src/capa/display.js
# so give it some time to change on the page.
label_css = ''
world.wait_for(lambda _: world.css_has_text(label_css, label_name))
@step(u'I should see a score of "([^"]*)"$')
def see_score(_step, score):
assert world.browser.is_text_present(score)
# The problem progress is changed by
# cms/static/xmodule_js/src/capa/display.js
# so give it some time to render on the page.
score_css = 'section.problem-progress'
expected_text = '({})'.format(score)
world.wait_for(lambda _: world.css_has_text(score_css, expected_text))
@step(u'[Mm]y "([^"]*)" answer is( NOT)? marked "([^"]*)"')
......@@ -173,7 +179,7 @@ def assert_answer_mark(_step, problem_type, isnt_marked, correctness):
# At least one of the correct selectors should be present
for sel in PROBLEM_DICT[problem_type][correctness]:
if isnt_marked:
if bool(isnt_marked):
has_expected = world.is_css_not_present(sel)
has_expected = world.is_css_present(sel)
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