Commit 5c79e250 by Calen Pennington

Retry the task to grant Programs credentials (which is idempotent) if any constituent program fails

parent 22e91bcc
......@@ -200,6 +200,8 @@ def award_program_certificates(self, username):
# For each completed program for which the student doesn't already have a
# certificate, award one now.
# This logic is important, because we will retry the whole task if awarding any particular program cert fails.
# N.B. the list is sorted to facilitate deterministic ordering, e.g. for tests.
new_program_ids = sorted(list(set(program_ids) - set(existing_program_ids)))
if new_program_ids:
......@@ -213,10 +215,17 @@ def award_program_certificates(self, username):
# Retry because a misconfiguration could be fixed
raise self.retry(exc=exc, countdown=countdown, max_retries=config.max_retries)
retry = False
for program_id in new_program_ids:
award_program_certificate(credentials_client, username, program_id)'Awarded certificate for program %s to user %s', program_id, username)
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
# keep trying to award other certs.
# keep trying to award other certs, but retry the whole task to fix any missing entries
LOGGER.exception('Failed to award certificate for program %s to user %s', program_id, username)
retry = True
if retry:
# N.B. This logic assumes that this task is idempotent'Retrying task to award failed certificates to user %s', username)
raise self.retry(countdown=countdown, max_retries=config.max_retries)
......@@ -331,9 +331,10 @@ class AwardProgramCertificatesTestCase(TestCase, ProgramsApiConfigMixin, Credent
def side_effect(*_a): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
exc = side_effects.pop(0)
if exc:
raise exc
if side_effects:
exc = side_effects.pop(0)
if exc:
raise exc
return mock.DEFAULT
return side_effect
......@@ -351,16 +352,17 @@ class AwardProgramCertificatesTestCase(TestCase, ProgramsApiConfigMixin, Credent
that arise are logged also.
mock_get_completed_programs.return_value = [1, 2]
mock_get_awarded_certificate_programs.return_value = []
mock_get_awarded_certificate_programs.side_effect = [[], [2]]
mock_award_program_certificate.side_effect = self._make_side_effect([Exception('boom'), None])
with mock.patch(TASKS_MODULE + '') as mock_info, \
mock.patch(TASKS_MODULE + '.LOGGER.exception') as mock_exception:
self.assertEqual(mock_award_program_certificate.call_count, 2)
self.assertEqual(mock_award_program_certificate.call_count, 3)
mock_exception.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, 1, self.student.username)
mock_info.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, 2, self.student.username)
mock_info.assert_any_call(mock.ANY, 1, self.student.username)
mock_info.assert_any_call(mock.ANY, 2, self.student.username)
def test_retry_on_certificates_api_errors(
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