Commit 5bf839c9 by Will Daly

Guard against trying to load a template when checking pages.

parent d92533bb
......@@ -287,8 +287,19 @@ class PageLoaderTestCase(LoginEnrollmentTestCase):
course_id =
descriptor = random.choice(module_store.get_items(
Location(None, None, None, None, None)))
# Search for items in the course
# None is treated as a wildcard
course_loc = course.location
location_query = Location(course_loc.tag,,
course_loc.course, None, None, None)
items = module_store.get_items(location_query)
if len(items) < 1:'Could not retrieve any items from course')
descriptor = random.choice(items)
# We have ancillary course information now as modules
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