Commit 5b34264c by sanfordstudent Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #15809 from edx/aed/EDUCATOR-527

EDUCATOR-527 | get_certificates() should take CourseOverview.may_certify() into account
parents f69a3a2d 14fcba49
......@@ -747,26 +747,33 @@ class TestGetCertificates(TestCase):
self.course_certificate_url = 'fake-course-certificate-url'
self.program_certificate_url = 'fake-program-certificate-url'
def test_get_certificates(self, mock_get_credentials):
Verify course and program certificates are found when present. Only one
course run certificate should be returned for each course when the user
has earned certificates in multiple runs of the same course.
expected = []
for course in self.program['courses']:
# Give all course runs a certificate URL, but only expect one to come
# back. This verifies the break in the function under test that ensures
# only one certificate per course comes back.
for index, course_run in enumerate(course['course_runs']):
course_run['certificate_url'] = self.course_certificate_url
course_run['may_certify'] = True
def _first_course_runs(self):
for course in self.program['courses']:
for index, course_run in enumerate(course['course_runs']):
if index == 0:
'type': 'course',
'title': course_run['title'],
'url': self.course_certificate_url,
yield course_run
def test_get_certificates(self, mock_get_credentials):
Verify course and program certificates are found when present. Only one
course run certificate should be returned for each course when the user
has earned certificates in multiple runs of the same course.
expected = [
'type': 'course',
'title': course_run['title'],
'url': course_run['certificate_url'],
} for course_run in self._first_course_runs()
'type': 'program',
......@@ -783,13 +790,23 @@ class TestGetCertificates(TestCase):
def test_course_run_certificates_missing(self, mock_get_credentials):
Verify program certificates are retrieved even if the learner has not earned any course certificates.
Verify program certificates are not included when the learner has not earned all course certificates.
# make the first course have no certification, the second have no url...
for course_index, course in enumerate(self.program['courses']):
for index, course_run in enumerate(course['course_runs']):
if course_index == 0:
course_run['may_certify'] = False
elif course_index == 1:
course_run['certificate_url'] = False
# ...but the third course should still be included
expected = [{
'type': 'program',
'title': self.program['title'],
'url': self.program_certificate_url,
'type': 'course',
'title': self.program['courses'][2]['course_runs'][0]['title'],
'url': self.program['courses'][2]['course_runs'][0]['certificate_url'],
mock_get_credentials.return_value = [{'certificate_url': self.program_certificate_url}]
certificates = get_certificates(self.user, self.program)
......@@ -800,17 +817,13 @@ class TestGetCertificates(TestCase):
Verify that the function can handle a missing program certificate.
expected = []
for course in self.program['courses']:
for index, course_run in enumerate(course['course_runs']):
course_run['certificate_url'] = self.course_certificate_url
if index == 0:
'type': 'course',
'title': course_run['title'],
'url': self.course_certificate_url,
expected = [
'type': 'course',
'title': course_run['title'],
'url': course_run['certificate_url'],
} for course_run in self._first_course_runs()
mock_get_credentials.return_value = []
......@@ -447,6 +447,9 @@ class ProgramDataExtender(object):
run_mode['upgrade_url'] = None
def _attach_course_run_may_certify(self, run_mode):
run_mode['may_certify'] = self.course_overview.may_certify()
def get_certificates(user, extended_program):
......@@ -467,7 +470,7 @@ def get_certificates(user, extended_program):
for course in extended_program['courses']:
for course_run in course['course_runs']:
url = course_run.get('certificate_url')
if url:
if url and course_run.get('may_certify'):
'type': 'course',
'title': course_run['title'],
......@@ -478,7 +481,8 @@ def get_certificates(user, extended_program):
program_credentials = get_credentials(user, program_uuid=extended_program['uuid'])
if program_credentials:
# only include a program certificate if a certificate is available for every course
if program_credentials and (len(certificates) == len(extended_program['courses'])):
'type': 'program',
'title': extended_program['title'],
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