Commit 5afc6c66 by Dillon Dumesnil

Updating version number after responding to Nimisha's comments in…

Updating version number after responding to Nimisha's comments in edx/xblock-review and updated header text in xblock
parent 6fa86247
......@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ class TestReviewFunctions(TestReviewXBlock):
expected_header_text = 'Review Component'
expected_header_text = 'Review Problems'
# The problems are defaulted to correct upon load
# This happens because the problems "raw_possible" field is 0 and the
# "raw_earned" field is also 0.
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ git+
# This is here because all of the other XBlocks are located here. However, it is published to PyPI and will be installed that way
# Third Party XBlocks
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