Commit 5acc1326 by Alison Hodges

Merge pull request #7133 from edx/ahodges/hackathon

Alison's Hackathon9 changes
parents a9b83a5a 4666caa6
......@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@
<aside class="content-supplementary" role="complementary">
<div class="bit">
<h3 class="title title-3">${_('New to {studio_name}?').format(studio_name=settings.STUDIO_NAME)}</h3>
<p>${_('Click Help in the upper-right corner to get more information about the {studio_name} page you are viewing. You can also use the links at the bottom of the page to access our continously updated documentation and other {studio_name} resources.').format(studio_name=settings.STUDIO_SHORT_NAME)}</p>
<p>${_('Click Help in the upper-right corner to get more information about the {studio_name} page you are viewing. You can also use the links at the bottom of the page to access our continually updated documentation and other {studio_name} resources.').format(studio_name=settings.STUDIO_SHORT_NAME)}</p>
<ol class="list-actions">
<li class="action-item">
......@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@
% if settings.TENDER_DOMAIN:
<li class="action-item">
<a href="http://${settings.TENDER_DOMAIN}/discussion/new" class="show-tender" title="${_("Use our feedback tool, Tender, to request help")}">
<a href="http://${settings.TENDER_DOMAIN}/discussion/new" class="action action-primary" title="${_("Use our feedback tool, Tender, to request help")}">
${_("Request help with {studio_name}").format(studio_name=settings.STUDIO_NAME)}
<%inherit file="base.html" />
<%def name="online_help_token()"><% return "video" %></%def>
import json
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
% endif
<li class="action-item">
<a href="" rel="external" class="action action-primary">${_("Enroll in edX101")}</a>
<a href="" rel="external" class="action action-primary">${_("Enroll in edX101")}</a>
<span class="tip">${_("How to use {studio_name} to build your course").format(studio_name=settings.STUDIO_NAME)}</span>
......@@ -53,8 +53,7 @@
<ul class="list-actions">
<li class="action-item">
<a href="http://${settings.TENDER_DOMAIN}/discussion/new" class="action action-primary show-tender" title="${_("Use our feedback tool, Tender, to share your feedback")}"><i class="icon fa fa-comments"></i>${_("Contact Us")}</a>
<a href="http://${settings.TENDER_DOMAIN}/discussion/new" class="action action-primary" title="${_("Use our feedback tool, Tender, to share your feedback")}"><i class="icon fa fa-comments"></i>${_("Contact Us")}</a>
......@@ -606,8 +606,8 @@ class CourseFields(object):
due_date_display_format = String(
display_name=_("Due Date Display Format"),
"Enter the format due dates are displayed in. Due dates must be in MM-DD-YYYY, DD-MM-YYYY, YYYY-MM-DD, "
"or YYYY-DD-MM format."
"Enter the format for due dates. The default is Mon DD, YYYY. Enter \"%m-%d-%Y\" for MM-DD-YYYY, "
"\"%d-%m-%Y\" for DD-MM-YYYY, \"%Y-%m-%d\" for YYYY-MM-DD, or \"%Y-%d-%m\" for YYYY-DD-MM."
scope=Scope.settings, default=None
......@@ -630,10 +630,12 @@ class CourseFields(object):
certificates_display_behavior = String(
display_name=_("Certificates Display Behavior"),
"Has three possible states: 'end', 'early_with_info', 'early_no_info'. 'end' is the default behavior, "
"where certificates will only appear after a course has ended. 'early_with_info' will display all "
"certificate information before a course has ended. 'early_no_info' will hide all certificate "
"information unless a student has earned a certificate."
"Enter end, early_with_info, or early_no_info. After certificate generation, students who passed see a "
"link to their certificates on the dashboard and students who did not pass see information about the "
"grading configuration. The default is end, which displays this certificate information to all students "
"after the course end date. To display this certificate information to all students as soon as "
"certificates are generated, enter early_with_info. To display only the links to passing students as "
"soon as certificates are generated, enter early_no_info."
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ content_libraries = creating_content/libraries.html
content_groups = cohorts/cohorted_courseware.html
group_configurations = content_experiments/content_experiments_configure.html#set-up-group-configurations-in-edx-studio
container = developing_course/course_components.html#components-that-contain-other-components
video = index.html
# below are the language directory names for the different locales
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