Commit 5a752dff by Bridger Maxwell

Got a basic, working graph of the scores

branch : profiledev
parent 8712197d
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def profile(request):
response_by_id[response.module_id] = response
totalScores = {}
total_scores = {}
for c in chapters:
......@@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ def profile(request):
graded_total = (sum([score[0] for score in scores if score[2]]),
sum([score[1] for score in scores if score[2]]))
#Add the graded total to totalScores
#Add the graded total to total_scores
format = s.get('format') if s.get('format') else ""
if format and graded_total[1] > 0:
format_scores = totalScores[ format ] if format in totalScores else []
format_scores = total_scores[ format ] if format in total_scores else []
format_scores.append( graded_total )
totalScores[ format ] = format_scores
total_scores[ format ] = format_scores
......@@ -92,29 +92,50 @@ def profile(request):
def totalWithDrops(scores, drop_count):
sorted_scores = sorted( enumerate(scores), key=lambda x: -x[1]['percentage'] ) #Note that this key will sort the list descending
dropped_indices = [score[0] for score in sorted_scores[-drop_count:]] # A list of the indices of the dropped scores
aggregate_score = 0
for index, score in enumerate(scores):
if index not in dropped_indices:
aggregate_score += score['percentage']
aggregate_score /= len(scores) - drop_count
return aggregate_score, dropped_indices
#Figure the homework scores
print totalScores
homeworkScores = totalScores['Homework'] if 'Homework' in totalScores else []
homeworkPercentages = []
homework_scores = total_scores['Homework'] if 'Homework' in total_scores else []
homework_percentages = []
for i in range(12):
if i < len(homeworkScores):
percentage = homeworkScores[i][0] / float(homeworkScores[i][1])
if i < len(homework_scores):
percentage = homework_scores[i][0] / float(homework_scores[i][1])
summary = "{:.0%} ({}/{})".format( percentage, homework_scores[i][0], homework_scores[i][1] )
percentage = 0
summary = "0% (?/?)"
summary = "Homework {} - {}".format(i + 1, summary)
homework_percentages.append( {'percentage': percentage, 'summary': summary} )
homework_total, homework_dropped_indices = totalWithDrops(homework_percentages, 2)
labScores = totalScores['Lab'] if 'Lab' in totalScores else []
labPercentages = []
#Figure the lab scores
lab_scores = total_scores['Lab'] if 'Lab' in total_scores else []
lab_percentages = []
for i in range(12):
if i < len(labScores):
percentage = labScores[i][0] / float(labScores[i][1])
if i < len(lab_scores):
percentage = lab_scores[i][0] / float(lab_scores[i][1])
summary = "{:.0%} ({}/{})".format( percentage, lab_scores[i][0], lab_scores[i][1] )
percentage = 0
summary = "0% (?/?)"
summary = "Lab {} - {}".format(i + 1, summary)
lab_percentages.append( {'percentage': percentage, 'summary': summary} )
lab_total, lab_dropped_indices = totalWithDrops(lab_percentages, 2)
midterm_score = (130, 150)
final_score = (225, 300)
......@@ -123,8 +144,14 @@ def profile(request):
'homework_percentages' : homeworkPercentages,
'lab_percentages' : labPercentages,
'homework_percentages' : homework_percentages,
'homework_total' : homework_total,
'homework_dropped_indices' : homework_dropped_indices,
'lab_percentages' : lab_percentages,
'lab_total' : lab_total,
'lab_dropped_indices' : lab_dropped_indices,
'midterm_score' : midterm_score,
'final_score' : final_score,
return render_to_response('profile.html', context)
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