Commit 59b8bb54 by Nimisha Asthagiri

Fix Dashboard safe template.

parent 8e591f63
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from django.template import RequestContext
import third_party_auth
from third_party_auth import pipeline
from openedx.core.djangolib.js_utils import dump_js_escaped_json, js_escaped_string
from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import Text, HTML
......@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ from openedx.core.djangolib.js_utils import dump_js_escaped_json, js_escaped_str
<h2 id="email-settings-title">
${_("Email Settings for {course_number}").format(course_number='<span id="email_settings_course_number"></span>')}
${Text(_("Email Settings for {course_number}")).format(course_number=HTML('<span id="email_settings_course_number"></span>'))}
<span class="sr">,
## Translators: this text gives status on if the modal interface (a menu or piece of UI that takes the full focus of the screen) is open or not
${_("window open")}
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