Commit 584bb862 by Will Daly

Merge pull request #1872 from MITx/feature/will/textline_template_test

Feature/will/textline template test
parents e5e0dc4b a4717aca
......@@ -5,6 +5,12 @@ import capa
import os.path
from lxml import etree
from mako.template import Template as MakoTemplate
from mako import exceptions
class TemplateError(Exception):
"""Error occurred while rendering a Mako template"""
class TemplateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -19,8 +25,8 @@ class TemplateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
"""Load the template"""
capa_path = capa.__path__[0]
self.template_path = os.path.join(capa_path,
self.template_path = os.path.join(capa_path,
template_file = open(self.template_path)
self.template = MakoTemplate(
......@@ -30,7 +36,11 @@ class TemplateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Render the template using the `context_dict` dict.
Returns an `etree` XML element."""
xml_str = self.template.render_unicode(**context_dict)
xml_str = self.template.render_unicode(**context_dict)
raise TemplateError(exceptions.text_error_template().render())
return etree.fromstring(xml_str)
def assert_has_xpath(self, xml_root, xpath, context_dict, exact_num=1):
......@@ -56,8 +66,28 @@ class TemplateTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assert_has_xpath(xml_root, xpath, context_dict, exact_num=0)
def assert_has_text(self, xml_root, xpath, text, exact=True):
"""Find the element at `xpath` in `xml_root` and assert
that its text is `text`.
`xml_root` is an etree XML element
`xpath` is an XPath string, such as `'/foo/bar'`
`text` is the expected text that the element should contain
If multiple elements are found, checks the first one.
If no elements are found, the assertion fails.
element_list = xml_root.xpath(xpath)
self.assertTrue(len(element_list) > 0,
"Could not find element at '%s'" % str(xpath))
class TestChoiceGroupTemplate(TemplateTestCase):
if exact:
self.assertEqual(text, element_list[0].text)
self.assertIn(text, element_list[0].text)
class ChoiceGroupTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
"""Test mako template for `<choicegroup>` input"""
TEMPLATE_NAME = 'choicegroup.html'
......@@ -70,7 +100,7 @@ class TestChoiceGroupTemplate(TemplateTestCase):
'input_type': 'checkbox',
'name_array_suffix': '1',
'value': '3'}
super(TestChoiceGroupTemplate, self).setUp()
super(ChoiceGroupTemplateTest, self).setUp()
def test_problem_marked_correct(self):
"""Test conditions under which the entire problem
......@@ -120,7 +150,7 @@ class TestChoiceGroupTemplate(TemplateTestCase):
def test_problem_marked_unanswered(self):
def test_problem_marked_unsubmitted(self):
"""Test all conditions under which the entire problem
(not a particular option) is marked unanswered"""
conditions = [
......@@ -234,10 +264,8 @@ class TestChoiceGroupTemplate(TemplateTestCase):
# Expect to see the message
message_elements = xml.xpath("//div[@class='capa_alert']")
self.assertEqual(len(message_elements), 1)
self.assert_has_text(xml, "//div[@class='capa_alert']",
def test_no_message_before_submission(self):
"""Ensure that we don't show the `submitted_message`
......@@ -267,3 +295,113 @@ class TestChoiceGroupTemplate(TemplateTestCase):
# Expect that we do NOT see the message yet
self.assert_no_xpath(xml, "//div[@class='capa_alert']", self.context)
class TextlineTemplateTest(TemplateTestCase):
"""Test mako template for `<textline>` input"""
TEMPLATE_NAME = 'textline.html'
def setUp(self):
self.context = {'id': '1',
'status': 'correct',
'value': '3',
'preprocessor': None,
'trailing_text': None}
super(TextlineTemplateTest, self).setUp()
def test_section_class(self):
cases = [({}, ' capa_inputtype '),
({'do_math': True}, 'text-input-dynamath capa_inputtype '),
({'inline': True}, ' capa_inputtype inline'),
({'do_math': True, 'inline': True}, 'text-input-dynamath capa_inputtype inline'), ]
for (context, css_class) in cases:
base_context = self.context.copy()
xml = self.render_to_xml(base_context)
xpath = "//section[@class='%s']" % css_class
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
def test_status(self):
cases = [('correct', 'correct', 'correct'),
('unsubmitted', 'unanswered', 'unanswered'),
('incorrect', 'incorrect', 'incorrect'),
('incomplete', 'incorrect', 'incomplete')]
for (context_status, div_class, status_mark) in cases:
self.context['status'] = context_status
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
# Expect that we get a <div> with correct class
xpath = "//div[@class='%s ']" % div_class
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
# Expect that we get a <p> with class="status"
# (used to by CSS to draw the green check / red x)
self.assert_has_text(xml, "//p[@class='status']",
status_mark, exact=False)
def test_hidden(self):
self.context['hidden'] = True
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
xpath = "//div[@style='display:none;']"
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
xpath = "//input[@style='display:none;']"
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
def test_do_math(self):
self.context['do_math'] = True
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
xpath = "//input[@class='math']"
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
xpath = "//div[@class='equation']"
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
xpath = "//textarea[@id='input_1_dynamath']"
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
def test_size(self):
self.context['size'] = '20'
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
xpath = "//input[@size='20']"
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
def test_preprocessor(self):
self.context['preprocessor'] = {'class_name': 'test_class',
'script_src': 'test_script'}
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
xpath = "//div[@class='text-input-dynamath_data' and @data-preprocessor='test_class']"
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
xpath = "//div[@class='script_placeholder' and @data-src='test_script']"
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
def test_do_inline(self):
cases = [('correct', 'correct'),
('unsubmitted', 'unanswered'),
('incorrect', 'incorrect'),
('incomplete', 'incorrect')]
self.context['inline'] = True
for (context_status, div_class) in cases:
self.context['status'] = context_status
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
# Expect that we get a <div> with correct class
xpath = "//div[@class='%s inline']" % div_class
self.assert_has_xpath(xml, xpath, self.context)
def test_message(self):
self.context['msg'] = "Test message"
xml = self.render_to_xml(self.context)
xpath = "//span[@class='message']"
self.assert_has_text(xml, xpath, self.context['msg'])
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