Commit 57bec408 by Alexander Kryklia

updated inpyttype to new req

parent 4594986b
......@@ -801,37 +801,56 @@ class DragAndDropInput(InputTypeBase):
def setup(self):
def slugify(s):
"""Makes slug from string"""
s = unidecode.unidecode(s).lower()
return re.sub(r'\W+', '-', s)
def parse(x):
"""Parses <draggable/> xml element to dictionary.
def parse(tag, tag_type):
"""Parses <tag ... /> xml element to dictionary.
xml etree element <draggable...> with optional
name or label or icon attributes. At least one
attribute must be presented.
tag: xml etree element <tag...> with attributes
tag_type: type of tag: 'draggable' or 'target'.
If tag_type is 'draggable' : all attributes (name or label or
icon) are optional, but at least one attribute must be
If tag_type is 'target' all attributes (name, x, y, w, h)
are requred. (x, y) - coordinates of center of target,
w, h - weight and height of target.
Dictionary of vaues of attributes:
dict{'name': smth, 'label': smth, 'icon': smth}.
tag_attrs = dict()
tag_attrs['draggable'] = {'id': Attribute._sentinel,
'label': "", 'icon': ""}
tag_attrs['target'] = {'id': Attribute._sentinel,
'x': Attribute._sentinel,
'y': Attribute._sentinel,
'w': Attribute._sentinel,
'h': Attribute._sentinel}
dic = dict()
for attr_name in ('name', 'label', 'icon'):
dic[attr_name] = Attribute(attr_name).parse_from_xml(x)
except ValueError:
dic[attr_name] = ""
dic['name'] = dic['name'] or slugify(dic['label'])
dic['label'] = dic['label'] or dic['name']
for attr_name in tag_attrs[tag_type].keys():
dic[attr_name] = Attribute(attr_name,
if tag_type == 'draggable':
dic['label'] = dic['label'] or dic['id']
return dic
to_js = dict()
to_js['target'] = Attribute('img').parse_from_xml(self.xml)
to_js['draggable'] = [parse(draggable) for draggable in
to_js['target_container'] = Attribute('img').parse_from_xml(self.xml)
to_js['target_outline'] = Attribute('target_outline',
to_js['one_per_garget'] = Attribute('one_per_target',
to_js['draggable'] = [parse(draggable, 'draggable') for draggable in
to_js['targets'] = [parse(target, 'target') for target in
self.loaded_attributes['drag_and_drop_json'] = json.dumps(to_js)
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