Commit 577d8815 by Isaac Chuang Committed by Piotr Mitros

Adding sympy check. Needs to be code reviewed before enabling in prod.

parent c92f6dc9
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File:
# Date: 02-May-12
# Author: I. Chuang <>
# Use sympy to check for expression equality
# Takes in math expressions given as Presentation MathML (from ASCIIMathML), converts to Content MathML using SnuggleTeX
import os, sys, string, re
import traceback
from formula import *
# check function interface
def sympy_check(expect,ans,adict={},symtab=None,extra_options=None):
options = {'__MATRIX__':False,'__ABC__':False,'__LOWER__':False}
if extra_options: options.update(extra_options)
for op in options: # find options in expect string
if op in expect:
expect = expect.replace(op,'')
options[op] = True
expect = expect.replace('__OR__','__or__') # backwards compatibility
if options['__LOWER__']:
expect = expect.lower()
ans = ans.lower()
ret = check(expect,ans,
except Exception, err:
return {'ok': False,
'msg': 'Error %s<br/>Failed in evaluating check(%s,%s)' % (err,expect,ans)
return ret
# pretty generic checking function
def check(expect,given,numerical=False,matrix=False,normphase=False,abcsym=False,do_qubit=True,symtab=None,dosimplify=False):
Returns dict with
'ok': True if check is good, False otherwise
'msg': response message (in HTML)
"expect" may have multiple possible acceptable answers, separated by "__OR__"
if "__or__" in expect: # if multiple acceptable answers
eset = expect.split('__or__') # then see if any match
for eone in eset:
ret = check(eone,given,numerical,matrix,normphase,abcsym,do_qubit,symtab,dosimplify)
if ret['ok']:
return ret
return ret
flags = {}
if "__autonorm__" in expect:
expect = expect.replace('__autonorm__','')
matrix = True
threshold = 1.0e-3
if "__threshold__" in expect:
(expect,st) = expect.split('__threshold__')
threshold = float(st)
if str(given)=='' and not (str(expect)==''):
return {'ok': False, 'msg': ''}
xgiven = my_sympify(given,normphase,matrix,do_qubit=do_qubit,abcsym=abcsym,symtab=symtab)
except Exception,err:
return {'ok': False,'msg': 'Error %s<br/> in evaluating your expression "%s"' % (err,given)}
xexpect = my_sympify(expect,normphase,matrix,do_qubit=do_qubit,abcsym=abcsym,symtab=symtab)
except Exception,err:
return {'ok': False,'msg': 'Error %s<br/> in evaluating OUR expression "%s"' % (err,expect)}
if 'autonorm' in flags: # normalize trace of matrices
xgiven /= xgiven.trace()
except Exception, err:
return {'ok': False,'msg': 'Error %s<br/> in normalizing trace of your expression %s' % (err,to_latex(xgiven))}
xexpect /= xexpect.trace()
except Exception, err:
return {'ok': False,'msg': 'Error %s<br/> in normalizing trace of OUR expression %s' % (err,to_latex(xexpect))}
msg = 'Your expression was evaluated as ' + to_latex(xgiven)
# msg += '<br/>Expected ' + to_latex(xexpect)
# msg += "<br/>flags=%s" % flags
if matrix and numerical:
xgiven = my_evalf(xgiven,chop=True)
dm = my_evalf(sympy.Matrix(xexpect)-sympy.Matrix(xgiven),chop=True)
msg += " = " + to_latex(xgiven)
if abs(dm.vec().norm().evalf())<threshold:
return {'ok': True,'msg': msg}
#msg += "dm = " + to_latex(dm) + " diff = " + str(abs(dm.vec().norm().evalf()))
#msg += "expect = " + to_latex(xexpect)
elif dosimplify:
if (sympy.simplify(xexpect)==sympy.simplify(xgiven)):
return {'ok': True,'msg': msg}
elif numerical:
if (abs((xexpect-xgiven).evalf(chop=True))<threshold):
return {'ok': True,'msg': msg}
elif (xexpect==xgiven):
return {'ok': True,'msg': msg}
#msg += "<p/>expect='%s', given='%s'" % (expect,given) # debugging
# msg += "<p/> dot test " + to_latex(dot(sympy.Symbol('x'),sympy.Symbol('y')))
return {'ok': False,'msg': msg }
# Check function interface, which takes pmathml input
def sympy_check2(expect,ans,adict={},abname=''):
msg = ''
# msg += '<p/>abname=%s' % abname
# msg += '<p/>adict=%s' % (repr(adict).replace('<','&lt;'))
threshold = 1.0e-3
DEBUG = True
# parse expected answer
fexpect = my_sympify(str(expect))
except Exception,err:
msg += '<p>Error %s in parsing OUR expected answer "%s"</p>' % (err,expect)
return {'ok':False,'msg':msg}
# if expected answer is a number, try parsing provided answer as a number also
fans = my_sympify(str(ans))
except Exception,err:
fans = None
if fexpect.is_number and fans and fans.is_number:
if abs(abs(fans-fexpect)/fexpect)<threshold:
return {'ok':True,'msg':msg}
msg += '<p>You entered: %s</p>' % to_latex(fans)
return {'ok':False,'msg':msg}
if fexpect==fans:
msg += '<p>You entered: %s</p>' % to_latex(fans)
return {'ok':True,'msg':msg}
# convert mathml answer to formula
mmlbox = abname+'_fromjs'
if mmlbox in adict:
mmlans = adict[mmlbox]
f = formula(mmlans)
# get sympy representation of the formula
# if DEBUG: msg += '<p/> mmlans=%s' % repr(mmlans).replace('<','&lt;')
fsym = f.sympy
msg += '<p>You entered: %s</p>' % to_latex(f.sympy)
except Exception,err:
msg += "<p>Error %s in converting to sympy</p>" % str(err).replace('<','&lt;')
if DEBUG: msg += "<p><pre>%s</pre></p>" % traceback.format_exc()
return {'ok':False,'msg':msg}
# compare with expected
if fexpect.is_number:
if fsym.is_number:
if abs(abs(fsym-fexpect)/fexpect)<threshold:
return {'ok':True,'msg':msg}
return {'ok':False,'msg':msg}
msg += "<p>Expecting a numerical answer!</p>"
msg += "<p>given = %s</p>" % repr(ans)
msg += "<p>fsym = %s</p>" % repr(fsym)
# msg += "<p>cmathml = <pre>%s</pre></p>" % str(f.cmathml).replace('<','&lt;')
return {'ok':False,'msg':msg}
if fexpect==fsym:
return {'ok':True,'msg':msg}
if type(fexpect)==list:
xgiven = my_evalf(fsym,chop=True)
dm = my_evalf(sympy.Matrix(fexpect)-sympy.Matrix(xgiven),chop=True)
if abs(dm.vec().norm().evalf())<threshold:
return {'ok': True,'msg': msg}
except Exception,err:
msg += "<p>Error %s in comparing expected (a list) and your answer</p>" % str(err).replace('<','&lt;')
if DEBUG: msg += "<p/><pre>%s</pre>" % traceback.format_exc()
return {'ok':False,'msg':msg}
#diff = (fexpect-fsym).simplify()
#fsym = fsym.simplify()
#fexpect = fexpect.simplify()
diff = (fexpect-fsym)
except Exception,err:
diff = None
msg += "<p>Got: %s</p>" % repr(fsym)
# msg += "<p/>Got: %s" % str([type(x) for x in fsym.atoms()]).replace('<','&lt;')
msg += "<p>Expecting: %s</p>" % repr(fexpect).replace('**','^').replace('hat(I)','hat(i)')
# msg += "<p/>Expecting: %s" % str([type(x) for x in fexpect.atoms()]).replace('<','&lt;')
if diff:
msg += "<p>Difference: %s</p>" % to_latex(diff)
return {'ok':False,'msg':msg,'ex':fexpect,'got':fsym}
def sctest1():
x = "1/2*(1+(k_e* Q* q)/(m *g *h^2))"
y = '''
<math xmlns="">
<mstyle displaystyle="true">
z = "1/2(1+(k_e* Q* q)/(m *g *h^2))"
r = sympy_check2(x,z,{'a':z,'a_fromjs':y},'a')
return r
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