Commit 57343c7d by cahrens

On course about page, display course end date if no about page HTML blog (end_date.html) exists.

parent bd055ddc
......@@ -123,15 +123,15 @@ class ViewsTestCase(TestCase):
def test_no_end_about_blob(self):
# test_end has a course end date, no end_date HTML blob
self.verify_end_date('edX/test_end/2012_Fall', "Sep 17, 2015")
self.verify_end_date("edX/test_end/2012_Fall", "Sep 17, 2015")
def test_about_blob_end_date(self):
# test_about_blob_end_date has both a course end date, and an end_date HTML blob
# test_about_blob_end_date has both a course end date and an end_date HTML blob.
# HTML blob wins
self.verify_end_date('edX/test_about_blob_end_date/2012_Fall', "Learning never ends")
self.verify_end_date("edX/test_about_blob_end_date/2012_Fall", "Learning never ends")
def verify_end_date(self, course_id, expected_end_text=None):
request = self.request_factory.get('foo')
request = self.request_factory.get("foo")
request.user = self.user
result = views.course_about(request, course_id)
if expected_end_text is not None:
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