Commit 570f41f7 by kimth

Merge branch 'feature/server_split' of into feature/server_split

parents f162ba8b 2f6c5091
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ $failed_tests = 0
def run_tests(system, report_dir, stop_on_failure=true)
ENV['NOSE_XUNIT_FILE'] = File.join(report_dir, "nosetests.xml")
ENV['NOSE_COVER_HTML_DIR'] = File.join(report_dir, "cover")
dirs = Dir["common/djangoapps/*"] # + Dir["#{system}/djangoapps/*"]
dirs = Dir["common/djangoapps/*"] + Dir["#{system}/djangoapps/*"]
sh(django_admin(system, :test, 'test', *dirs.each)) do |ok, res|
if !ok and stop_on_failure
abort "Test failed!"
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