Commit 55e19f82 by Vik Paruchuri

Fix the way that peer grading tab is initialized to make it work with studio

parent 4400f941
......@@ -91,12 +91,15 @@ def peer_grading(request, course_id):
course = get_course_with_access(request.user, course_id, 'load')
course_id_parts ="/")
course_id_norun = "/".join(course_id_parts[0:2])
pg_location = "i4x://" + course_id_norun + "/peergrading/init"
false_dict = [False,"False", "false", "FALSE"]
base_course_url = reverse('courses')
problem_url_parts = search.path_to_location(modulestore(),, pg_location)
items = modulestore().get_items(['i4x', None, course_id_parts[1], 'peergrading', None])
items = [i for i in items if i.metadata.get("use_for_single_location", True) in false_dict]
item_location = items[0].location
item_location_url = item_location.url()
problem_url_parts = search.path_to_location(modulestore(),, item_location)
problem_url = generate_problem_url(problem_url_parts, base_course_url)
return HttpResponseRedirect(problem_url)
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