Commit 55d7d2bc by Bridger Maxwell

Updates to grading doc.

parent e1652c47
......@@ -10,11 +10,12 @@ weighting.
## Totaling sections
The process of totaling sections is to get a percentage score for every section
in the course. A section is any module that is a direct child of a chapter. For
example, psets, labs, and sequences are all common sections. Only the
*percentage* on the section will be available to compute the final grade, *not*
the final number of points earned / possible.
The process of totaling sections is to get a percentage score (between 0.0 and
1.0) for every section in the course. A section is any module that is a direct
child of a chapter. For example, psets, labs, and sequences are all common
sections. Only the *percentage* on the section will be available to compute the
final grade, *not* the final number of points earned / possible.
**For a section to be included in the final grade, the policies file must set
graded = True for the section.**
......@@ -90,6 +91,9 @@ example, if the course only has 3 homeworks written, but the section format
grader has been told to expect 12, the missing 9 will have an assumed 0% and
will still show up in the grade breakdown.
A section format grader will also show the average of that section in the grade
breakdown (shown on the Progress page, gradebook, etc.).
### Single Section Graders
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