Commit 55d0f32e by Chris Dodge

Fix JSON postback error where the content-type header line can contain more info…

Fix JSON postback error where the content-type header line can contain more info than just the application/json descriptor. Now we just to a compare on the start of the header value.
parent 6fcb7938
......@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ import json
def expect_json(view_function):
def expect_json_with_cloned_request(request, *args, **kwargs):
if request.META['CONTENT_TYPE'] == "application/json":
# cdodge: fix postback errors in CMS. The POST 'content-type' header can include additional information
# e.g. 'charset', so we can't do a direct string compare
if request.META['CONTENT_TYPE'].lower().startswith("application/json"):
cloned_request = copy.copy(request)
cloned_request.POST = cloned_request.POST.copy()
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