Commit 559bf887 by David Ormsbee

Merge pull request #1132 from MITx/vik/modify_open_ended

Vik/modify open ended
parents ecd2304c 90d902d1
......@@ -186,6 +186,24 @@ class LoncapaProblem(object):
maxscore += responder.get_max_score()
return maxscore
def message_post(self,event_info):
Handle an ajax post that contains feedback on feedback
Returns a boolean success variable
Note: This only allows for feedback to be posted back to the grading controller for the first
open ended response problem on each page. Multiple problems will cause some sync issues.
TODO: Handle multiple problems on one page sync issues.
message = "Could not find a valid responder."
log.debug("in lcp")
for responder in self.responders.values():
if hasattr(responder, 'handle_message_post'):
success, message = responder.handle_message_post(event_info)
if success:
return success, message
def get_score(self):
Compute score for this problem. The score is the number of points awarded.
......@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ class OpenEndedInput(InputTypeBase):
# pulled out for testing
submitted_msg = ("Feedback not yet available. Reload to check again. "
"Once the problem is graded, this message will be "
"replaced with the grader's feedback")
"replaced with the grader's feedback.")
def get_attributes(cls):
......@@ -1836,6 +1836,7 @@ class OpenEndedResponse(LoncapaResponse):
DEFAULT_QUEUE = 'open-ended'
DEFAULT_MESSAGE_QUEUE = 'open-ended-message'
response_tag = 'openendedresponse'
allowed_inputfields = ['openendedinput']
max_inputfields = 1
......@@ -1847,12 +1848,17 @@ class OpenEndedResponse(LoncapaResponse):
xml = self.xml
self.url = xml.get('url', None)
self.queue_name = xml.get('queuename', self.DEFAULT_QUEUE)
self.message_queue_name = xml.get('message-queuename', self.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_QUEUE)
# The openendedparam tag encapsulates all grader settings
oeparam = self.xml.find('openendedparam')
prompt = self.xml.find('prompt')
rubric = self.xml.find('openendedrubric')
#This is needed to attach feedback to specific responses later
if oeparam is None:
raise ValueError("No oeparam found in problem xml.")
if prompt is None:
......@@ -1899,23 +1905,81 @@ class OpenEndedResponse(LoncapaResponse):
# response types)
except TypeError, ValueError:
log.exception("Grader payload %r is not a json object!", grader_payload)
self.initial_display = find_with_default(oeparam, 'initial_display', '')
self.answer = find_with_default(oeparam, 'answer_display', 'No answer given.')
'location' : self.system.location,
'course_id' : self.system.course_id,
'prompt' : prompt_string,
'rubric' : rubric_string,
'initial_display' : self.initial_display,
'answer' : self.answer,
updated_grader_payload = json.dumps(parsed_grader_payload)
self.payload = {'grader_payload': updated_grader_payload}
self.initial_display = find_with_default(oeparam, 'initial_display', '')
self.answer = find_with_default(oeparam, 'answer_display', 'No answer given.')
self.max_score = int(find_with_default(oeparam, 'max_score', 1))
except ValueError:
self.max_score = 1
def handle_message_post(self,event_info):
Handles a student message post (a reaction to the grade they received from an open ended grader type)
Returns a boolean success/fail and an error message
for tag in ['feedback', 'submission_id', 'grader_id', 'score']:
if tag not in survey_responses:
return False, "Could not find needed tag {0}".format(tag)
grader_id = int(survey_responses['grader_id'])
feedback = str(survey_responses['feedback'].encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
score = int(survey_responses['score'])
error_message=("Could not parse submission id, grader id, "
"or feedback from message_post ajax call. Here is the message data: {0}".format(survey_responses))
return False, "There was an error saving your feedback. Please contact course staff."
qinterface = self.system.xqueue['interface']
qtime = datetime.strftime(, xqueue_interface.dateformat)
anonymous_student_id = self.system.anonymous_student_id
queuekey = xqueue_interface.make_hashkey(str(self.system.seed) + qtime +
anonymous_student_id +
xheader = xqueue_interface.make_xheader(
student_info = {'anonymous_student_id': anonymous_student_id,
'submission_time': qtime,
contents= {
'feedback' : feedback,
'submission_id' : submission_id,
'grader_id' : grader_id,
'score': score,
'student_info' : json.dumps(student_info),
(error, msg) = qinterface.send_to_queue(header=xheader,
#Convert error to a success value
if error:
return success, "Successfully submitted your feedback."
def get_score(self, student_answers):
......@@ -1956,7 +2020,7 @@ class OpenEndedResponse(LoncapaResponse):
'student_info': json.dumps(student_info),
'student_response': submission,
'max_score' : self.max_score
'max_score' : self.max_score,
# Submit request. When successful, 'msg' is the prior length of the queue
......@@ -2056,18 +2120,36 @@ class OpenEndedResponse(LoncapaResponse):
return priorities.get(elt[0], default_priority)
def encode_values(feedback_type,value):
feedback_type=str(feedback_type).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
if not isinstance(value,basestring):
value=value.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
return feedback_type,value
def format_feedback(feedback_type, value):
return """
feedback= """
<div class="{feedback_type}">
""".format(feedback_type=feedback_type, value=value)
return feedback
def format_feedback_hidden(feedback_type , value):
feedback = """
<div class="{feedback_type}" style="display: none;">
""".format(feedback_type=feedback_type, value=value)
return feedback
# TODO (vshnayder): design and document the details of this format so
# that we can do proper escaping here (e.g. are the graders allowed to
# include HTML?)
for tag in ['success', 'feedback']:
for tag in ['success', 'feedback', 'submission_id', 'grader_id']:
if tag not in response_items:
return format_feedback('errors', 'Error getting feedback')
......@@ -2083,10 +2165,15 @@ class OpenEndedResponse(LoncapaResponse):
return format_feedback('errors', 'No feedback available')
feedback_lst = sorted(feedback.items(), key=get_priority)
return u"\n".join(format_feedback(k, v) for k, v in feedback_lst)
feedback_list_part1 = u"\n".join(format_feedback(k, v) for k, v in feedback_lst)
return format_feedback('errors', response_items['feedback'])
feedback_list_part1 = format_feedback('errors', response_items['feedback'])
for feedback_type,value in response_items.items()
if feedback_type in ['submission_id', 'grader_id']]))
return u"\n".join([feedback_list_part1,feedback_list_part2])
def _format_feedback(self, response_items):
......@@ -2104,7 +2191,7 @@ class OpenEndedResponse(LoncapaResponse):
feedback_template = self.system.render_template("open_ended_feedback.html", {
'grader_type': response_items['grader_type'],
'score': response_items['score'],
'score': "{0} / {1}".format(response_items['score'], self.max_score),
'feedback': feedback,
......@@ -2138,17 +2225,19 @@ class OpenEndedResponse(LoncapaResponse):
" Received score_result = {0}".format(score_result))
return fail
for tag in ['score', 'feedback', 'grader_type', 'success']:
for tag in ['score', 'feedback', 'grader_type', 'success', 'grader_id', 'submission_id']:
if tag not in score_result:
log.error("External grader message is missing required tag: {0}"
return fail
feedback = self._format_feedback(score_result)
# HACK: for now, just assume it's correct if you got more than 2/3.
# Also assumes that score_result['score'] is an integer.
score_ratio = int(score_result['score']) / self.max_score
score_ratio = int(score_result['score']) / float(self.max_score)
correct = (score_ratio >= 0.66)
#Currently ignore msg and only return feedback (which takes the place of msg)
......@@ -27,6 +27,30 @@
<input name="reload" class="reload" type="button" value="Recheck for Feedback" onclick="document.location.reload(true);" />
% endif
<div class="external-grader-message">
% if status in ['correct','incorrect']:
<div class="collapsible evaluation-response">
<a href="#">Respond to Feedback</a>
<section id="evaluation_${id}" class="evaluation">
<p>How accurate do you find this feedback?</p>
<div class="evaluation-scoring">
<ul class="scoring-list">
<li><input type="radio" name="evaluation-score" id="evaluation-score-5" value="5" /> <label for="evaluation-score-5"> Correct</label></li>
<li><input type="radio" name="evaluation-score" id="evaluation-score-4" value="4" /> <label for="evaluation-score-4"> Partially Correct</label></li>
<li><input type="radio" name="evaluation-score" id="evaluation-score-3" value="3" /> <label for="evaluation-score-3"> No Opinion</label></li>
<li><input type="radio" name="evaluation-score" id="evaluation-score-2" value="2" /> <label for="evaluation-score-2"> Partially Incorrect</label></li>
<li><input type="radio" name="evaluation-score" id="evaluation-score-1" value="1" /> <label for="evaluation-score-1"> Incorrect</label></li>
<p>Additional comments:</p>
<textarea rows="${rows}" cols="${cols}" name="feedback_${id}" class="feedback-on-feedback" id="feedback_${id}"></textarea>
<div class="submit-message-container">
<input name="submit-message" class="submit-message" type="button" value="Submit your message"/>
% endif
......@@ -380,6 +380,7 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
'problem_save': self.save_problem,
'problem_show': self.get_answer,
'score_update': self.update_score,
'message_post' : self.message_post,
if dispatch not in handlers:
......@@ -394,6 +395,20 @@ class CapaModule(XModule):
return json.dumps(d, cls=ComplexEncoder)
def message_post(self, get):
Posts a message from a form to an appropriate location
event_info = dict()
event_info['state'] = self.lcp.get_state()
event_info['problem_id'] = self.location.url()
event_info['student_id'] = self.system.anonymous_student_id
event_info['survey_responses']= get
success, message = self.lcp.message_post(event_info)
return {'success' : success, 'message' : message}
def closed(self):
''' Is the student still allowed to submit answers? '''
if self.attempts == self.max_attempts:
......@@ -297,6 +297,51 @@ section.problem {
float: left;
.evaluation {
p {
margin-bottom: 4px;
.feedback-on-feedback {
height: 100px;
margin-right: 20px;
.evaluation-response {
header {
text-align: right;
a {
font-size: .85em;
.evaluation-scoring {
.scoring-list {
list-style-type: none;
margin-left: 3px;
li {
&:first-child {
margin-left: 0px;
margin-left: 50px;
label {
font-size: .9em;
.submit-message-container {
margin: 10px 0px ;
......@@ -634,6 +679,10 @@ section.problem {
color: #2C2C2C;
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 1em;
padding-top: 10px;
header {
font-size: 1.4em;
.shortform {
font-weight: bold;
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ class @Problem
@$('section.action input.reset').click @reset
@$('section.action').click @show
@$('section.action').click @save
@$('section.evaluation input.submit-message').click @message_post
# Collapsibles
......@@ -197,6 +198,35 @@ class @Problem
@gentle_alert response.success
message_post: =>
Logger.log 'message_post', @answers
fd = new FormData()
feedback = @$('section.evaluation')[0].value
submission_id = $('div.external-grader-message div.submission_id')[0].innerHTML
grader_id = $('div.external-grader-message div.grader_id')[0].innerHTML
score = $(".evaluation-scoring input:radio[name='evaluation-score']:checked").val()
fd.append('feedback', feedback)
fd.append('submission_id', submission_id)
fd.append('grader_id', grader_id)
@gentle_alert "You need to pick a rating before you can submit."
fd.append('score', score)
settings =
type: "POST"
data: fd
processData: false
contentType: false
success: (response) =>
@gentle_alert response.message
$.ajaxWithPrefix("#{@url}/message_post", settings)
reset: =>
Logger.log 'problem_reset', @answers
$.postWithPrefix "#{@url}/problem_reset", id: @id, (response) =>
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