Commit 53e1dfaa by Nimisha Asthagiri

Studio support of Section Highlights

parent 68d5fe89
......@@ -1182,6 +1182,11 @@ def create_xblock_info(xblock, data=None, metadata=None, include_ancestor_info=F
'hide_after_due': xblock.hide_after_due,
elif xblock.category == 'chapter':
'highlights': xblock.highlights,
'highlights_enabled': settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_SECTION_HIGHLIGHTS', False),
# update xblock_info with special exam information if the feature flag is enabled
......@@ -264,7 +264,10 @@ FEATURES = {
# Whether archived courses (courses with end dates in the past) should be
# shown in Studio in a separate list.
# Whether section-level highlights are enabled on the platform.
......@@ -326,6 +326,8 @@ SEARCH_ENGINE = "search.tests.mock_search_engine.MockSearchEngine"
########################## AUTHOR PERMISSION #######################
......@@ -159,7 +159,12 @@ function(Backbone, _, str, ModuleUtils) {
* some additional fields that are not stored in the course descriptor
* (for example, which groups are selected for this particular XBlock).
user_partitions: null
user_partitions: null,
* This xBlock's Highlights to message to learners.
highlights: null,
highlights_enabled: null
initialize: function() {
......@@ -197,6 +197,19 @@ define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'js/views/xblock_outline', 'common/js/components
highlightsXBlock: function() {
var modal = CourseOutlineModalsFactory.getModal('highlights', this.model, {
onSave: this.refresh.bind(this),
xblockType: XBlockViewUtils.getXBlockType(
this.model.get('category'), this.parentView.model, true
if (modal) {;
addButtonActions: function(element) {
XBlockOutlineView.prototype.addButtonActions.apply(this, arguments);
element.find('.configure-button').click(function(event) {
......@@ -207,6 +220,10 @@ define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'js/views/xblock_outline', 'common/js/components
element.find('.highlights-button').click(function(event) {
makeContentDraggable: function(element) {
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* getTitle():
* returns the title for the modal.
* getHTMLContent():
* getContentHtml():
* returns the HTML content to be shown inside the modal.
* A modal implementation should also provide the following options:
......@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@ define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'underscore', 'gettext', 'js/views/baseview',
$, Backbone, _, gettext, BaseView, BaseModal, date, XBlockViewUtils, DateUtils, HtmlUtils, StringUtils
) {
'use strict';
var CourseOutlineXBlockModal, SettingsXBlockModal, PublishXBlockModal, AbstractEditor, BaseDateEditor,
var CourseOutlineXBlockModal, SettingsXBlockModal, PublishXBlockModal, HighlightsXBlockModal,
AbstractEditor, BaseDateEditor,
ReleaseDateEditor, DueDateEditor, GradingEditor, PublishEditor, AbstractVisibilityEditor,
StaffLockEditor, UnitAccessEditor, ContentVisibilityEditor, TimedExaminationPreferenceEditor,
AccessEditor, ShowCorrectnessEditor;
AccessEditor, ShowCorrectnessEditor, HighlightsEditor;
CourseOutlineXBlockModal = BaseModal.extend({
events: _.extend({},, {
......@@ -206,6 +207,38 @@ define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'underscore', 'gettext', 'js/views/baseview',
HighlightsXBlockModal = CourseOutlineXBlockModal.extend({
initialize: function() {;
if (this.options.xblockType) {
this.options.modalName = 'highlights-' + this.options.xblockType;
getTitle: function() {
return StringUtils.interpolate(
gettext('Highlights for {display_name}'),
{display_name: this.model.get('display_name')}
getIntroductionMessage: function() {
return StringUtils.interpolate(
'The highlights you provide here are messaged (i.e., emailed) to learners. Each {item}\'s ' +
'highlights are emailed at the time that we expect the learner to start working on that {item}. ' +
'At this time, we assume that each {item} will take 1 week to complete.'
{item: this.options.xblockType}
addActionButtons: function() {
this.addActionButton('save', gettext('Save'), true);
this.addActionButton('cancel', gettext('Cancel'));
AbstractEditor = BaseView.extend({
tagName: 'section',
templateName: null,
......@@ -844,12 +877,58 @@ define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'underscore', 'gettext', 'js/views/baseview',
HighlightsEditor = AbstractEditor.extend({
templateName: 'highlights-editor',
className: 'edit-show-highlights',
currentValue: function() {
var highlights = [];
$('.highlight-input-text').each(function() {
var value = $(this).val();
if (value !== '' && value !== null) {
return highlights;
hasChanges: function() {
return this.model.get('highlights') !== this.currentValue();
getRequestData: function() {
if (this.hasChanges()) {
return {
publish: 'republish',
metadata: {
highlights: this.currentValue()
} else {
return {};
getContext: function() {
return $.extend(
highlights: this.model.get('highlights') || []
return {
getModal: function(type, xblockInfo, options) {
if (type === 'edit') {
return this.getEditModal(xblockInfo, options);
} else if (type === 'publish') {
return this.getPublishModal(xblockInfo, options);
} else if (type === 'highlights') {
return this.getHighlightsModal(xblockInfo, options);
} else {
return null;
......@@ -918,6 +997,13 @@ define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'underscore', 'gettext', 'js/views/baseview',
editors: [PublishEditor],
model: xblockInfo
}, options));
getHighlightsModal: function(xblockInfo, options) {
return new HighlightsXBlockModal($.extend({
editors: [HighlightsEditor],
model: xblockInfo
}, options));
......@@ -634,6 +634,23 @@
// outline: highlight settings
.highlights-button {
cursor: pointer;
color: $uxpl-blue-base;
.highlight-input-text {
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
.highlights-description {
font-size: 80%;
font-weight: bolder;
// outline: edit item settings
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ from openedx.core.djangolib.markup import HTML, Text
<%block name="header_extras">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${static.url('js/vendor/timepicker/jquery.timepicker.css')}" />
% for template_name in ['course-outline', 'xblock-string-field-editor', 'basic-modal', 'modal-button', 'course-outline-modal', 'due-date-editor', 'release-date-editor', 'grading-editor', 'publish-editor', 'staff-lock-editor', 'unit-access-editor', 'content-visibility-editor', 'verification-access-editor', 'timed-examination-preference-editor', 'access-editor', 'settings-modal-tabs', 'show-correctness-editor']:
% for template_name in ['course-outline', 'xblock-string-field-editor', 'basic-modal', 'modal-button', 'course-outline-modal', 'due-date-editor', 'release-date-editor', 'grading-editor', 'publish-editor', 'staff-lock-editor', 'unit-access-editor', 'content-visibility-editor', 'verification-access-editor', 'timed-examination-preference-editor', 'access-editor', 'settings-modal-tabs', 'show-correctness-editor', 'highlights-editor']:
<script type="text/template" id="${template_name}-tpl">
<%static:include path="js/${template_name}.underscore" />
......@@ -200,6 +200,22 @@ if (is_proctored_exam) {
<% } %>
<% if (xblockInfo.get('highlights_enabled') && course.get('self_paced') && xblockInfo.isChapter()) { %>
<div class="block-highlights">
<span class="sr block-highlights-label"><%- gettext('Highlights:') %></span>
<% var number_of_highlights = (xblockInfo.get('highlights') || []).length; %>
<% if (number_of_highlights > 0) { %>
<span class="block-highlights-value highlights-button action-button">
<%- edx.StringUtils.interpolate(
gettext('Section Highlights: {number_of_highlights} entered'),
{number_of_highlights: number_of_highlights}
) %>
<% } else { %>
<span class="block-highlights-value highlights-button action-button"><%- gettext('Enter Section Highlights') %></span>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% if (xblockInfo.get('is_time_limited')) { %>
<div class="status-timed-proctored-exam">
<h3 class="modal-section-title" id="highlights_label"><%- gettext('Section Highlights') %></h3>
<div class="modal-section-content block-highlights">
<div role="group" class="list-fields" aria-labelledby="highlights_label">
<p class='field-message highlights-description' id='highlights_description'>
<%- gettext('Please enter 3-5 highlights to be sent as separate bullet points in the message.') %>
var max_number_of_highlights = 5;
<% _.each(highlights, function(highlight){ %>
class="input input-text highlight-input-text"
type="text" maxlength="250" aria-describedby="highlights_description"
value="<%= _.escape(highlight) %>"
<% }); %>
<% for (i = highlights.length; i < max_number_of_highlights; i++) { %>
class="input input-text highlight-input-text"
type="text" maxlength="250" aria-describedby="highlights_description"
placeholder="<%- gettext('A highlight to look forward to this week.') %>"
<% } %>
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